Costa Rica Online: Morning and afternoon satsangs
Dear friends, Magdi started posting about the Costa Rica retreat (03/15-19/2024)
What is the ego? Does ego imply identification?
To be fully available, unconditionally. Because that which you are is this complete availability. This formless openness, this huge embrace. And that’s so beautiful.
Satsang Recording 03-12-2024
Enjoy the recordings and maybe leave a comment ❤️
Upcoming Magdi Satsang
Dear friends, There is a Satsang scheduled, and you are warmly welcome.
Judgment and maintaining the me-belief
I am is undefined, unlabeled, not in time and space, not time bound. You are not that which appears to you. You are not defined by any mind narrative.
What is in the way of happiness?
Notice how in this moment of being, this moment of presence, there is no one doing anything. In a way, whatever is unfolding is unfolding on its own. And there is no distance, no separation. It’s so lovely when there is this inner quiet. Not trying to fix anything or get somewhere, remember something.
Before the mind, what is it that is truly alive?
So what am I. in the absence of separation…. I am! There is no somebody for me to be. No someone. Just being, knowing itself, knowing amness is. And this amnes is aware. And it is this aware amness which is life, which we call life.
Open listening and thinking about myself
Allow the universe to do its thing. You are aware. Notice this listening space. It’s a borderless space, which somehow hears these words. And this hearing is not in time. It’s not a remembering. It’s not a projecting. It’s a vibrational space.
I am and cannot not be
The body-mind has a family, it’s part of a tribe. There’s a history to the body-mind. But this history is simply a narrative appearing to you, you being this awareness, the reality that right now is hearing these words. Right now, that which hears these words is invisible to the senses. You perceive, thoughts and…
Stress, trauma and the sense of separate self
But whenever we engage with the mind, we have the option of engaging in a practical manner. Such as feeding the body, taking care of one’s home and family, which is completely impersonal. Or we can engage as a person, as a separate entity with its history, its old wounds, with its past trauma.
Am I what I imagine myself to be?
Listening without any references, without knowing. It’s a listening space, an aware space. And you are this awareness. You are this invisible reality, which has. no name, no age, no gender, no history, no past, no future. Complete freedom. The freedom of being, God’s freedom. You are that.
Consciousness precedes interpretation
Everything that you experience arises in being, in consciousness, which is always present. Presence is self knowing, and it’s always on, always available to itself.