Feeling overcome by life…
So we’re just gonna do a brief meditationa guided meditationand then you’re welcome to share whatever questions you may have is the sound goodis it yesokay thank you Holger so if you can just sit comfortably and turn your attention inward if you want close your eyes and come to close your eyesor just simply……
Awakening from the dream: What is it that awakens?
Magdi Badawy, 05-08-2022
Freedom From The Story Of My Life
Magdi Badawy, 04-30-2022
The world is in you. You do not appear in the world
Magdi Badawy, 04-09-2022
Eternity Is Revealed As We Let Go Of Identification
Magdi, 04-07-2022
Am I a finite, limited and mortal form? Is awareness my reality?
Magdi, 04-05-2022