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Tag: 20 min

  • Viveka – A meditative contemplation with Magdi

    And we learn to distinguish, to discriminate the viveka between that which is and cannot not be and that which comes and goes.

  • The causeless peace of being

    Unidentified with the history of the body-mind. We know ourself as this effortless, transparent presence. The mind comes to rest.

  • Before the mind, what is it that is truly alive?

    So what am I. in the absence of separation…. I am! There is no somebody for me to be. No someone. Just being, knowing itself, knowing amness is. And this amnes is aware. And it is this aware amness which is life, which we call life.

  • Am I what I imagine myself to be?

    Listening without any references, without knowing. It’s a listening space, an aware space. And you are this awareness. You are this invisible reality, which has. no name, no age, no gender, no history, no past, no future. Complete freedom. The freedom of being, God’s freedom. You are that.

  • Living the current of love

    You are drifting with a stream abandoned. But you are the stream, you see! Holds on to nothing, it is not trying to accomplish anything, and yet it is so alive, gurgling, nourishing the fields. You exist in the space between events, between thoughts, between perceptions and events; thoughts and perceptions exist within you. When…

  • Practicing letting go

    So whenever we are faced with an old pattern that arises within the body mind, we can explore letting go, simply being, rather than fixing.

  • Viveka – A meditative contemplation with Magdi

    Viveka – A meditative contemplation with Magdi

    And we learn to distinguish, to discriminate the viveka between that which is and cannot not be and that which comes and goes.

  • The causeless peace of being

    The causeless peace of being

    Unidentified with the history of the body-mind. We know ourself as this effortless, transparent presence. The mind comes to rest.

  • Before the mind, what is it that is truly alive?

    Before the mind, what is it that is truly alive?

    So what am I. in the absence of separation…. I am! There is no somebody for me to be. No someone. Just being, knowing itself, knowing amness is. And this amnes is aware. And it is this aware amness which is life, which we call life.

  • Am I what I imagine myself to be?

    Am I what I imagine myself to be?

    Listening without any references, without knowing. It’s a listening space, an aware space. And you are this awareness. You are this invisible reality, which has. no name, no age, no gender, no history, no past, no future. Complete freedom. The freedom of being, God’s freedom. You are that.

  • Living the current of love

    Living the current of love

    You are drifting with a stream abandoned. But you are the stream, you see! Holds on to nothing, it is not trying to accomplish anything, and yet it is so alive, gurgling, nourishing the fields. You exist in the space between events, between thoughts, between perceptions and events; thoughts and perceptions exist within you. When…

  • Practicing letting go

    Practicing letting go

    So whenever we are faced with an old pattern that arises within the body mind, we can explore letting go, simply being, rather than fixing.