Tag: 20 min

  • Freedom from personal worry and concern

    So we say yes to this invitation. And we relax in this invitation. We invite every sensation to relax in presence, to be free. Every aspect of our experience is invited to this freedom. Notice the sensations within your body, appearing effortlessly in awareness, in consciousness; this intimacy, this sweet intimacy.

  • A contemplation of the nature of consciousness

    Whatever so called opposition you experience is conceptual, an imaginary resistance. And as you recognize it, you relax it. You relax it in your belly. You relax it in your body. You relax it in the entire space.

  • The liberating understanding about reality

    You are the decider in chief. But there is nothing which is separate from yourself. So there is nothing at stake. You are meant to know yourself. Not as a personal entity, not as a bundle of memories and sensations, but to know yourself directly. As the reality, the formless beingness.

  • Being and Existence

    So here we are aware aware of being not of being somebody not of being someone existing in time and space. Simply aware of isness, of being. Aware of awareness. It does not need to go any further.

  • In God’s silence, we are God.

    Being is, and cannot not be. It is that formless reality which we are, which speaks, which hears, which perceives. So welcome yourself as this effortless presence. Allow your experience to be as it is.

  • What is it that is changing? What is movement?

    Loving, kind, understanding. Forgiving, because everything and everyone is yourself. The mind becomes more and more comfortable in being, in not knowing. The journey into God is endless. A delightful journey.

  • Freedom from personal worry and concern

    Freedom from personal worry and concern

    So we say yes to this invitation. And we relax in this invitation. We invite every sensation to relax in presence, to be free. Every aspect of our experience is invited to this freedom. Notice the sensations within your body, appearing effortlessly in awareness, in consciousness; this intimacy, this sweet intimacy.

  • A contemplation of the nature of consciousness

    A contemplation of the nature of consciousness

    Whatever so called opposition you experience is conceptual, an imaginary resistance. And as you recognize it, you relax it. You relax it in your belly. You relax it in your body. You relax it in the entire space.

  • The liberating understanding about reality

    The liberating understanding about reality

    You are the decider in chief. But there is nothing which is separate from yourself. So there is nothing at stake. You are meant to know yourself. Not as a personal entity, not as a bundle of memories and sensations, but to know yourself directly. As the reality, the formless beingness.

  • Being and Existence

    Being and Existence

    So here we are aware aware of being not of being somebody not of being someone existing in time and space. Simply aware of isness, of being. Aware of awareness. It does not need to go any further.

  • In God’s silence, we are God.

    In God’s silence, we are God.

    Being is, and cannot not be. It is that formless reality which we are, which speaks, which hears, which perceives. So welcome yourself as this effortless presence. Allow your experience to be as it is.

  • What is it that is changing? What is movement?

    What is it that is changing? What is movement?

    Loving, kind, understanding. Forgiving, because everything and everyone is yourself. The mind becomes more and more comfortable in being, in not knowing. The journey into God is endless. A delightful journey.