Category: Meditation

  • Is a teacher needed?

    A friend, reminding you that the body may have a name, an age, a history. But you’re not the body. A friend, reminding you of that which you know, that namely you perceive a body. You perceive bodily sensations, but you are not defined by that which you perceive.

  • What should my practice be?

    Thoughts appear within the non-movement. And this non-movement is meditation. With no one doing anything. It is a cosmic meditation…

  • Relaxed and Awake

    When you contemplate your reality, it is reality which is contemplating itself. Meaning, the universe is contemplating itself and recognizing itself as the one and only reality.

  • Viveka – A meditative contemplation with Magdi

    And we learn to distinguish, to discriminate the viveka between that which is and cannot not be and that which comes and goes.

  • The causeless peace of being

    Unidentified with the history of the body-mind. We know ourself as this effortless, transparent presence. The mind comes to rest.

  • What is the ego? Does ego imply identification?

    To be fully available, unconditionally. Because that which you are is this complete availability. This formless openness, this huge embrace. And that’s so beautiful.