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Silence is God’s first language

Magdi Badawy, 10-12-2023

Hello, Dana. Hello, Nina.

So maybe we spend a few times together in Presence.

You’re welcome either to close your eyes
or turn your gaze inwards.
And simply be.

Effortless being.

We are the same presence.
Silent and still.

Words arise in this silent presence.

And it is that silent presence which we love,
which is the peace.

It is as this silent presence that we are one.

And it is that oneness, which we love.
Because that oneness is love itself.

God’s voice is this silence.

The ocean of being,
which does not know separation.

You and I are one as that ocean.

As being, as this silent still presence,
there is nothing you need to do.
Nothing you need to prove,
nothing you need to attain.

The mind is peaceful,
in the simple recognition of this silent still presence,
which is God’s presence, God’s being.

Mind, thoughts, sensations
are simply wavelets at the surface of the ocean.

They have no real significance,
they have no independent reality outside of the ocean.

Listen to the ocean,
to the silence,
which is beyond the mind.

It is this silence,
which heals all wounds.

It is silence which speaks,
and silence which proceeds and hears.

You are that silence.
You are that Love.

You have never truly been anything else.
And you can never be anything else.

The entire universe is God’s play.
And you are not separate from God, from God’s play.

Only love heals.
Truth heals.

Truth and love are beyond the mind.
And when they shine onto the mind it’s a blessing.

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