Tag: 35 min

  • Feelings: What are they? How to deal with them?

    But we all know that every now and then there’s a me that appears in this personal self. What is it? It seems to be very important when it arises, very significant. We cannot ignore it. We seem to be very familiar with it. This me. What is it? What is this me?

  • Rebirth, explained.

    Relaxed. Undisturbed. Thoughts may appear to you. But you don’t need to move. If there is a movement, it’s okay, you are simply noticing it. The noticing is not a movement. The noticing is a sort of stillness. The noticing is not a movement. It’s a quality of consciousness; knowingness.

  • The laws of happiness

    Happiness means complete fulfillment in this moment. Anything that is lacking in this moment is simply a mind activity.

  • That which we truly love does not die

    But there is awareness, non-phenomenal reality, the nominal aspect of your experience; that which is and knows it is. That is the true celebration. That is the love. That is the heart. That is the fulfillment. That is our home. That is that which we seek in everything that we do.

  • What is the ego? Does ego imply identification?

    To be fully available, unconditionally. Because that which you are is this complete availability. This formless openness, this huge embrace. And that’s so beautiful.

  • Nondual = I am, but I am not somebody.

    And invite yourself to simply be without direction, without knowing, without the past, without any agenda. Be this welcoming. Welcoming is effortless. It is a a sort of relaxation into presence.

  • Feelings: What are they? How to deal with them?

    Feelings: What are they? How to deal with them?

    But we all know that every now and then there’s a me that appears in this personal self. What is it? It seems to be very important when it arises, very significant. We cannot ignore it. We seem to be very familiar with it. This me. What is it? What is this me?

  • Rebirth, explained.

    Rebirth, explained.

    Relaxed. Undisturbed. Thoughts may appear to you. But you don’t need to move. If there is a movement, it’s okay, you are simply noticing it. The noticing is not a movement. The noticing is a sort of stillness. The noticing is not a movement. It’s a quality of consciousness; knowingness.

  • The laws of happiness

    The laws of happiness

    Happiness means complete fulfillment in this moment. Anything that is lacking in this moment is simply a mind activity.

  • That which we truly love does not die

    That which we truly love does not die

    But there is awareness, non-phenomenal reality, the nominal aspect of your experience; that which is and knows it is. That is the true celebration. That is the love. That is the heart. That is the fulfillment. That is our home. That is that which we seek in everything that we do.

  • What is the ego? Does ego imply identification?

    What is the ego? Does ego imply identification?

    To be fully available, unconditionally. Because that which you are is this complete availability. This formless openness, this huge embrace. And that’s so beautiful.

  • Nondual = I am, but I am not somebody.

    Nondual = I am, but I am not somebody.

    And invite yourself to simply be without direction, without knowing, without the past, without any agenda. Be this welcoming. Welcoming is effortless. It is a a sort of relaxation into presence.