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Tag: 15 min

  • Chanting for TARA

    Maria Hon: Snatam Kaur Chants “Akal” to Honor the Departed.

  • Undo yourself of any resistance, of any beliefs

    We invite every aspect of our experience to this relaxation, to this Peace. Peace is very simple. It is what we are. Complications there arise in the mind when we identify ourself, but we don’t need to. We can simply be like the Ocean.

  • What should be my Practice?

    ChatGPT teaser: Embrace your freedom to let go of identification with the body and embrace the simplicity of resting in pure presence. Return to the understanding that you are the formless perceiving element, and allow knowingness to unfold naturally.

  • The Direct Path

    Separation is imagined. The direct path is very simple: I am not what I imagine myself to be. I am not what I believe or feel myself to be. I am the reality which perceives, the reality which hears these words right now, whatever that is.

  • Awakening to Truth

    Magdi Badawy, 07-16-2023      So welcome. All is well as it is. There are no mistakes in the universe. No mistakes in God’s kingdom.    So invite yourself to relax and rest. Be like a feather. Carried by the wind. No struggle.    Not knowing. And there is no need to know what you are,…

  • The Causeless Peace of Being

    This meditation encourages embracing the present moment without judgment or the need to fix or achieve anything. It emphasizes being a conscious observer, separate from thoughts and perceptions. It suggests that one’s true essence is an invisible aware presence, and that defining oneself or holding onto past history is unnecessary. By letting go of the…

  • Chanting for TARA

    Chanting for TARA

    Maria Hon: Snatam Kaur Chants “Akal” to Honor the Departed.

  • Undo yourself of any resistance, of any beliefs

    Undo yourself of any resistance, of any beliefs

    We invite every aspect of our experience to this relaxation, to this Peace. Peace is very simple. It is what we are. Complications there arise in the mind when we identify ourself, but we don’t need to. We can simply be like the Ocean.

  • What should be my Practice?

    What should be my Practice?

    ChatGPT teaser: Embrace your freedom to let go of identification with the body and embrace the simplicity of resting in pure presence. Return to the understanding that you are the formless perceiving element, and allow knowingness to unfold naturally.

  • The Direct Path

    The Direct Path

    Separation is imagined. The direct path is very simple: I am not what I imagine myself to be. I am not what I believe or feel myself to be. I am the reality which perceives, the reality which hears these words right now, whatever that is.

  • Awakening to Truth

    Awakening to Truth

    Magdi Badawy, 07-16-2023      So welcome. All is well as it is. There are no mistakes in the universe. No mistakes in God’s kingdom.    So invite yourself to relax and rest. Be like a feather. Carried by the wind. No struggle.    Not knowing. And there is no need to know what you are,…

  • The Causeless Peace of Being

    The Causeless Peace of Being

    This meditation encourages embracing the present moment without judgment or the need to fix or achieve anything. It emphasizes being a conscious observer, separate from thoughts and perceptions. It suggests that one’s true essence is an invisible aware presence, and that defining oneself or holding onto past history is unnecessary. By letting go of the…