Freedom from Psychological Suffering
We will let things be as they are. Notice presence, awareness. We usually carry the past and project the future; many stories and narratives. You don’t need to do that for now. Be like a leaf in the wind. Carried effortlessly, floating in the space. You are the space.
Does memory define my identity?
There is a fullness to be not-knowing. A wholeness, a freedom. Freedom from the old patters of maintaining, defending, confirming, adjusting, manipulating. Freedom from the sense of limitation, freedom from mistaken identification. So allow yourself to sink into being without knowing. No worries. No concern. No direction.
What is missing in this moment?
In spite of all our stories and all our ailments, all our angst… All is well, because we have never been a character in the dream. There is no real character in the dream, only imaginary ones.
Waking from the dream
So that the bitterness of the dream is removed; the virus, the veil of separation is removed, And we can celebrate our creation and celebrate our being.
Freedom from the habit of Identification
You are not that which you imagine yourself to be. You are not that which you remember yourself to be. You are this Invisible, infinite, aware presence that has no name and no age, no gender, no borders, no edges, no location, no limitation. You are the cosmic field of being. And as such, all…
Nothing you need to do
As this invisible, formless, aware presence, there is nothing you need to do, and yet nothing is done without you.
Freedom from Time and Identification
“The text offers a meditative reflection on our existence and encourages us to find happiness within ourselves. It proposes that we are not tied to time or space, suggesting that our projected limitations and identities are illusions. It highlights unity, proposing everybody as our ‘tribe’, and encourages non-judgement by embracing the unknown. Through recognizing our…
Living in and as Presence
Like children in the playground, are happy to play. So we are available to that which is not the product of thought, memory. Not the product of time.
Enlightenment, The Intimacy With All Things
Allow things to be as they are. When you turn your attention, to presence it bubbles to the surface. The mind relaxes effortlessly in presence.
Injustice and Victimhood
So can we be without the past without any self definition. A clean slate. Just for now, To allow this presence. To allow being. To be. To reveal itself. To us. To reveal itself, to itself. Without any identification. Because we are this transparent awareness. We are not the storyline, The me-story, the history, the…
The Delight of Living as the Openness of Not-Knowing
There is repose in not knowing, and restfulness and freedom in not knowing. And availability. The perfume of presence. It may seem difficult sometimes to be still. It is as if the inner sensations are unbearable. We want to wiggle away out of there. Where, where to?
Did I choose to be in this life of conflict?
We are not an entity which is born and dies. All struggles are an inner struggle. It’s a struggle with our self. We’re not defending against the other, we’re defending against our very self. Which of course makes no sense, once we’re understanding this way.