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Tag: 25 min

  • Nothing you need to do

    As this invisible, formless, aware presence, there is nothing you need to do, and yet nothing is done without you.

  • A Simple Radical Understanding

    Recognize yourself as this invisible formless aware presence, which knows It is. It knows itself to be the changeless aspect, the noumenal aspect, that which neither comes nor goes. Allow things to be as they are. It is all God’s doing. Universal impersonal doing, a movement within the whole, within the wholeness, within the totality.

  • What is The Source of Unhappiness?

    Magdi Badawy, 06-18-2023 Hello everyone so for this meditation you can set aside your mind because you are not the mind the recollections the personal interests they relate to the body they relate to the functioning of the organism you can set that aside for now and notice what remains…

  • What is A Glimpse Into Truth

    ChatGPT: This passage is a poetic and philosophical exploration of the nature of existence and consciousness. It emphasizes that our true essence is formless and eternal, beyond thoughts, memories, and feelings that come and go. The author encourages the reader to connect with their formless self, the reality that perceives, without any effort or need…

  • What is the role of the mind in awakening? Availability to beauty.

    Magdi Badawy, 05-07-2023

  • The importance of Viveka

    Magdi Badawy, 04-30-2023

  • Nothing you need to do

    Nothing you need to do

    As this invisible, formless, aware presence, there is nothing you need to do, and yet nothing is done without you.

  • A Simple Radical Understanding

    A Simple Radical Understanding

    Recognize yourself as this invisible formless aware presence, which knows It is. It knows itself to be the changeless aspect, the noumenal aspect, that which neither comes nor goes. Allow things to be as they are. It is all God’s doing. Universal impersonal doing, a movement within the whole, within the wholeness, within the totality.

  • What is The Source of Unhappiness?

    What is The Source of Unhappiness?

    Magdi Badawy, 06-18-2023 Hello everyone so for this meditation you can set aside your mind because you are not the mind the recollections the personal interests they relate to the body they relate to the functioning of the organism you can set that aside for now and notice what remains…

  • What is A Glimpse Into Truth

    What is A Glimpse Into Truth

    ChatGPT: This passage is a poetic and philosophical exploration of the nature of existence and consciousness. It emphasizes that our true essence is formless and eternal, beyond thoughts, memories, and feelings that come and go. The author encourages the reader to connect with their formless self, the reality that perceives, without any effort or need…

  • What is the role of the mind in awakening? Availability to beauty.

    What is the role of the mind in awakening? Availability to beauty.

    Magdi Badawy, 05-07-2023

  • The importance of Viveka

    The importance of Viveka

    Magdi Badawy, 04-30-2023