Category: Meditation

  • The non-dual understanding

    So we invite ourself completely, without knowing, without history, allowing and trusting that the understanding is there, loving us and revealing itself to us and inviting us to the recognition of our innate freedom, our noumenal reality.

  • A meditative contemplation (09-08-2024)

    There is no effort in being in loving in being the love when the past is absent when the me-narrative, the me-belief is quiet.

  • Beyond personal identity

    Although waves appear on the surface of the ocean, their essence is water, which is the essence of the ocean. The ocean is not defined by the waves. Similarly, events that appear to you within the body, within the world, within the mind, they are fleeting. There is no need to hold on to them…

  • The 3 states… waking, sleep, deep sleep and Turiya

    So do not limit yourself to the senses. Notice their source, notice their essence, which is awareness. You. You are this vastness.

  • Contemplating the mystery of being

    So, allow, be and let be. Freshly moment by moment. No direction, no purpose, no objective, because you are already That. You are the Home that you seek. It’s a done deal. Don’t mistake yourself. to be an entity in time and space.

  • How to stop repetitive haunting thoughts?

    We are home. We are the home that we seek. We are that, which is not a thing, not a somebody, not a someone, but that which is, and cannot not be.