Facing death
And in the phenomenal realm, we all know that death is inevitable. Most often, it seems to be a dreadful thing, because we are wired for survival. The body-mind is wired for survival and procreation. So there is this wiring within the body-mind to figure its way in the face of danger to survive. But…
Dealing with existential fear
You are this invisible, aware presence, which right now hears these words, which knows it is and knows that it is formless, boundless, invisible to the senses, and yet undeniable. The reality of being. So come closer to the edge, and fall into God’s arms.
Freedom from addiction
Letting go of the past, letting go of the future, sort of being open to not knowing, being open to being, which is this silent presence, this formless awareness, borderless awareness.
Dealing with physical pain as awareness
Of course we take care of the body, the best we can. But we are not the body, we are this formless awareness. There may be stuff from the past that can get triggered to the surface. We can see it. Notice it. Feel it. Perceive it. Not know it. We recognize our freedom from…
Uprooting the root cause of sorrow
Sorrow does not belong to you. It belongs to the illusory self. So you’re invited to make this choice, the choice of recognizing yourself as this formless aware presence, or identify yourself with the body mind. One choice reveals your freedom, and the other the illusion of separation.
Freedom from personal worry and concern
So we say yes to this invitation. And we relax in this invitation. We invite every sensation to relax in presence, to be free. Every aspect of our experience is invited to this freedom. Notice the sensations within your body, appearing effortlessly in awareness, in consciousness; this intimacy, this sweet intimacy.