Youtube recording: 01/12/2025
Meditation: MP3 Audio file
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Dear Jeff, please let me know if this works better (on your Android phone):
Hello, everyone.
Lovely to see you.
To be together
in this loving space,
this welcoming.
One could say
sort of a surrender,
but there is no one surrendering
to anything or to anybody.
So invite yourself to
inviting the body to relax,
to settle in presence.
Suspending the mind activity
just for now.
No need to figure anything out
or to think about anything
or to recollect anything.
Allow the universe
to knock on your door
as it wishes.
And the door is always open
because we’re
not interested in a door;
there is no door.
All is love.
We are this love.
Such a wonderful thing
to comprehend,
such a beautiful thing
to be revealed to us.
The end of personal worries
and concerns and
to be the ocean,
to be this freedom
without struggle.
Why not?
Why not?
The love,
the beauty,
the friendship,
the kindness.
Kindness towards everything.
Kindness towards everyone,
including oneself.
An embrace,
an embrace that doesn’t leave
anything unembraced.
We are this effortless awareness.
No effort is required
to perceive this perception.
Noticing the breath.
No effort is needed to
be aware that we are aware.
It’s right there.
I’m aware.
And I am this effortless awareness.
So simple, so clear.
What is complicated is
to be somebody,
to maintain my story,
to maintain the effort required
to be somebody
with all these worries
and concerns
and fears.
How wonderful it is
to be, just to be,
not to be somebody;
because in pure being,
you are not any particular entity.
You are nobody in a way,
and yet you are everybody
and everything
because there is no distance.
There is no distance
between awareness
and that which is awared.
But there is no distance
between the ocean and the wave,
between water and the wave.
No distance.
This zero distance
is the reality of your experience.
no duality.
It sounds so complicated.
No duality.
The mind is wondering
what is the no duality?
Forget about it.
Just this effortless beingness.
But the mind is so tranquil and at ease.
Thoughts appear.
They appear
out of the universe,
out of the absolute,
out of consciousness,
at zero distance from consciousness,
like the waves appear
on the surface of the ocean.
The ocean is unconcerned,
There’s no effort involved.
So we can,
if needed,
be open to one reality.
One reality meaning,
right now in this moment,
what is it?
What is it
that is absolutely undeniable
in your experience?
Is it the stream of thoughts
that are flowing
through images on the screen?
A thought followed by another
and another.
Is that
the reality of your experience?
Is it the various sensations
that arise within your body mind?
All sorts of sensations.
Is this the reality of your experience?
Take a look.
This silent,
formless awareness.
Check it out.
Check out your experience.
Turn your attention to the source.
It is the Source
inviting Itself
to turn its attention
to Itself.
There are no words
that can express the
that which is not of the mind.
Everything we know:
We know them through
the reality of awareness.
You are this knowingness.
You are not an object,
which is ‘known’.
You are not an appearance
on the screen of consciousness.
Images appear
on the screen of consciousness.
You are the knowing aspect.
You don’t need to
believe yourself
or define yourself
in any way.
What for?
Can you define a melody?
Can you define the perfume of a rose?
Can you define love?
Can you define beauty,
the sound of a brook,
the songs of the birds.
But you can enjoy.
Awareness is joy.
One could say
the greatest miracle,
speaking in relative terms.
It is as this formless awareness
that we know ourself
and we know each other.
We know our oneness.
We know our eternity,
the eternity of being,
not being somebody.
The best somebody
to be is to be love.
I am mister and misses love.
But really,
not personal love.
What is it that is changeless
in your experience?
To travel from
the East Coast of the United States
to the West Coast, you drive or you fly west.
You don’t go north or south.
You need to inhale, you inhale in.
You don’t inhale out.
There is a changeless aspect
in your experience,
that which you can always count on.
And that is not the storyline
about your life,
about your tribe,
your storyline
about your spiritual journey.
Because storyline and narrative
belong to the past.
Their reality is this invisible presence.
So allow yourself,
invite yourself
to this understanding.
Invite yourself
to live as this formless awareness.
Trust it.
In religious terms, they say,
as you love God, God loves you.
As you distance yourself from God,
God awaits your invitation.
It’s always there,
but we don’t need to play
the game of time.
Right now in this moment.
What is it that is,
and cannot not be?
What is it
that is beyond any doubt?
What is it
that is eternal?
And, the waves
on of on the surface of the ocean,
it’s okay.
No problem.
The human aspect,
it is not a problem,
no struggle.
Don’t make a problem out of it.
It’s okay.
Whatever is unfolding in the body,
in the mind,
in the emotive state,
it’s okay.
It’s part of the music.
There are just different notes
in the symphony.
You are the symphony.
You are the melody.
You are the composer
and the enjoyer.
So we say yes
to the entire celebration,
to the entire journey,
which is a journey
from love to love.
One could say,
journey from the personal self
to the universal self.
Keeping in mind that
there has never been,
in fact,
a personal self
at any time.
. . .
So, if you have any questions,
anything that you would like to explore,
make sure to unmute yourself.
And, also,
at the bottom of the screen,
there is a react icon,
which you can also click on,
to raise your hand
or you can just raise your hand.
Any questions?