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The reality of thoughts


Youtube recording: 12/08/2024
Meditation: MP3 Audio file
Die Realität der Gedanken

Alternative MP3 player

Dear Jeff, please let me know if this works better (on your Android phone):

Welcome, everyone.

So if we can turn our attention
to where the attention arises from.

The mind cannot find this place.

So we come to not-knowing.

You don’t need to do anything.

Simply relax into Being.
Without any goal,
because goals are fabrications of the mind.

In this meeting,
we’re not interested in
fabrications of the mind.

Do not interfere
with your experience.

Do not try to understand it.
Don’t try to fix it.
Don’t judge it.

Because that would be separating
yourself from your experience
which is unhappy.

Notice the breath.

Whatever sensations appear to you
welcome them unconditionally.

Just for now
relax your tendency
of thinking about the future or the past.

Let bygone be bygones.

In presence and as presence
there is tranquility

The mind is docile, resting.

Only being activated
as needed
as appropriate.

Thoughts appear to you
like clouds in the wide open sky.
They are innocent.
There is no danger.

Some thoughts
may appear to be scary.

That is often the case
when we imagine ourselves
to exist in time and space.
When we travel in our mind
into the future or into the past.

The mind gets stirred up
worries and regrets arise
and at time fears.

Which seem to be quite real

And in your storyline
about yourself
you experience danger
in the narrative.

You imagine
that your happiness
is somewhere else
or dependent on something
that you need to do.

And so you spend your life
trying to figure out
what to do.

What is the path
to this happiness
which we all seek?

We get embroiled
in thoughts and feelings.
A labyrinth.

Endless spin of the mind.
And yet out of the blue
comes a moment where there is stillness.
A parting of the clouds
a dropping of the mind
we experience causeless peace
and causeless joy
which are not produced
by thinking
not produced by any mind activity.

And oftentimes
we love this moment
of peace and happiness
that we turn it into a goal
that we must achieve.

And in doing so
the mind starts spinning
again and again.

It’s quite exhausting.
We are so habituated to seeking things
pursuing experiences
holding on

Where is the tranquility in that?

Perceptions appear to you.
The mind is engaged in perceptions
fascinating and sometimes repulsive.

And we overlook
the transparency of awareness.
We overlook the invisible reality
which right now perceives
which right now hears these words.

We imagine that it is the body-mind
which perceives.

Is that so?

Is the perceiving aspect right now
in your experience, an object?

Objects are perceived.

If that which perceives is an object
then you would perceive
that which perceives.
Which is not the case.

But the eye does not perceive itself.

That which perceives a tree
does not perceive
that which perceives the tree.

And yet
can you deny that you perceive?

What is this you
this I which perceives
and which is undeniable?

Who can answer that question
but yourself?

Because after all
you are that which perceives
not somebody else.

There is a reality which perceives.

This reality
is available to you
since after all
it is you which perceives.

You have a direct knowingness
of that reality
which we refer to as I.

We all say: I perceive.

We simply need to understand
that this I which perceives
is not an object.
Not a form.
Not a limited entity.
Not a mortal entity.

This reality is formless.
Formless means
beyond the limitations of form
beyond the limitations of mind.

That which is beyond limitation
is that which is real.
And that which is limited
appears and disappears.

The oak tree may be 200 feet tall
but in a few years
it will be struck down by the wind.

And will disappear as an oak tree.

You know that.
In your experience
there is that which is not struck down
by the weather
not affected by time
not subject to conditions
not dependent on time and space.
What is it?

What is it that you know
beyond any doubt
to be absolutely real?

It’s transparent awareness
which knows it is
and knows it is aware.

The source of all manifestation.
It is the reality of all thoughts
the reality of all perceptions.

No perceptions can be perceived
can be known
without the perceiving aspect
without consciousness.

But consciousness
does not need to perceive
the Oak Tree in order to know that it is
in order to know that it is conscious.

Allow yourself
to sink deeper and deeper
into not-knowing
into being
into presence
without direction
without objective.

Be available
without any grasping
without any notion of what you are doing
or what you are.

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