Is Sahaja Samadhi a state?


Youtube recording: 02/02/2025
Meditation: MP3 Audio file   

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Hello, everyone.
Lovely to be with you.

So we can invite ourself
to sit comfortably and,
be available


for the duration of this meeting
to approach our experience
with a mind of a baby,

Newborn mind.

to whatever appears to you
without being interested in any outcome.

Because there is
a freedom
from the outcome
or from any outcome.

Because we don’t live in the future.
Outcomes are in time,
but we don’t live in time.

So there are no conditions
upon our freedom.

Nothing being sought or pursued.

The mind is at ease.

Obviously, there is awareness;
hearing these words,
noticing sensations within the body;
the breath.

But we don’t know what any of this is.
And there is no need to know
why trouble ourself with activities of the mind
when it’s not needed.

There may be a habitual tendency
to figure things out
in the realm of thinking.

But, for right now, it’s not necessary.

And often
in our life,
it’s not necessary.

And yet
the stream flows
in the fall,
leaves dance in the wind.

The heart beats.

We exist
all events
as well as
I could say,
within all events,
as a way of speaking.

But knowing yourself
between an event and another event,
there is no movement there.
There’s no activity.

This non activity
is Life,
is the Essence.

Activity is but a tremor of nonactivity,
a reverberation of nonactivity.

Your entire life as you perceive it
is just a a movement of the stillness,
a tiny wave in the vast ocean.

The ocean extends itself
between every wave and another wave,
but it’s also
the substance of every wave.

Your reality is not defined
by thoughts and perceptions.

Your life events,
they don’t define you.

What we consider to be personal…
Just a passing dream.

The understanding
about the causeless silence.
The absolute silence.

The understanding about your true self,
about reality.

Because reality is unopposed.
And all movement,
all manifestation,
arises in opposition.

In your contemplation,
you will find a sort of shedding,
a dropping,
an effortless release
of everything that you hold on to,
whatever it is.

Less and less to carry.
Less and less
to protect,
to defend,
to justify.

Because what we are shedding
is the belief in separation.

The belief that there is
a personal consciousness,
personal entity.

It is always inviting us to the understanding
that there is no separation.
The more we believe in a personal,
limited personal consciousness,
the more the suffering,
and the more intense is the unhappiness.
But we are fortunate
in that we are wired for happiness.
We love happiness.

And the ultimate happiness is,
what in Sanskrit they refer to as
the Sahaja Samadhi.

Sahaja is our natural state,
where the gap between perception
is revealed to be the reality
of all perceptions.

The one and only reality.
The reality of the world,
the reality of infinite mind
is one reality.

And all the old habits of
seeking and resisting
have lost their interest,
have perished in that understanding.

It’s an effortless, relaxation.

Every aspect of your experience
is merged in the absolute.

The true death,
not the death of body-mind,
but the death of ignorance.

When the mind
becomes absolutely not-knowing.

Cannot be awakened by any argument
or by any sense of personhood.

Mind states are perceived.

they have a beginning and an ending.
And that which has a beginning,
and an ending,
is just an impression,
a reflection,
a mirage of sort.

All mind states are mirages of sort.
It makes no sense to seek a mirage
to hold on to it.

It’s a habit,
arising from ignorance
to seek experiences
and to grab and grasp
and hold on.

It’s all fiction.

We divide the wide open sky;
various quadrants,
but this division is illusory.

You separate yourself from
whatever you separate yourself from
and that’s illusion.

What is it
to drop the separation?
To completely drop the mind.

Referring to the psychological mind;
the mind of duality.

Sooner or later,
you have to come face to face
with the complete letting go.
But we don’t need to wait
until we are forced to do so.

This life invites us
to complete Let Go
in the waking state,
during this temporary human dream.

What stands in the way?

So we can take a look
moment by moment in our life.

To be completely transparent
to our experience.

You cannot describe it in words.
You don’t need to put words around your experience.

But you know within yourself.

The vastness of not-knowing.
We all meet there.

So if there are any questions,
make sure you unmute yourself.
You can raise your hand for any question.

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