welcome lovely to see you
Chris and Holger
David and David
Hi Carol as Desmond
so um just a couple of words
that will be starting this meeting
with a brief guided meditation
and then we’ll follow up with
any questions or any discussion
so sit comfortably and
turn your attention inwards
by welcoming your experience
and open open arms
nothing to do
contemplate that you are this aware presence
effortless presence
and that as this presence
there are no concerns
no objective
nothing to try to attain
my presence is peace
your reality
the reality of the universe
you are not a wave on the surface of the ocean
you are not the body mind which you perceive
that which you are
the reality which hears these words
cannot be known by the mind
since the mind is limited
but you don’t need to know yourself via the mind
because you already are
that which you are
and that which you are
cannot be said to be Limited
cannot be said to be this or that
that which you are cannot be described
via any limited Body Mind instrument
via thought via Concepts via feelings
and that’s perfectly fine
there is no way to describe love or beauty
nor happiness
There is no need to describe love beauty or happiness
it speaks for itself
love speaks for itself
Freedom speaks for itself
that which you are does not need description
that which is beyond description is beyond limitation
which is this aware presence right now
no opposition to that which is non-phenomenal
you know you are
just by asking yourself in this moment the question am I
the resounding answer is yes I am
this I am has no qualificative
no shape color size smell taste
and yet this amness is undeniable
so we can soak into the amness
I am and I know that I am
simply soak into that
without adding any story
without adding any memory
without adding any color
or shape
simply I am
and I know that I am
to be not knowing
not knowing what I am
but knowing that I am
because amness is only possible via knowingness
and knowingness is only possible via amness
the reality of your experience
is consciousness
your reality
infinite invisible
aware presence
reality is one
your body and the universe are one
your mind and the universe are one
you are this Universal knowingness
there is only one knowingness
many appearances many colors
shapes and shades
like the rainbow and the white light
the white light contains all the colors
every shade of color is made out of the
white light its Essence is the white light
similarly all your perception Sensations
are made out of one reality awareness consciousness
appearances appear to you
and they disappear within you to you
you don’t appear and disappear
you don’t exist in time
time appears to you
nothing happens to reality
in the phenomenal Realm
there is an impression of happening
that in reality there is no happening
in the mind in the conceptual Realm
there is time and space and events
but reality is non-conceptual
it’s not defined by the concepts of time and space
you are not defined
by time and space
so you relax your body mind
allow whatever is unfolding
whatever Sensations are appearing to you
no resistance no Direction
no goal nothing to defend
no one to defend
no state to attain