How to quiet my busy mind

Magdi Badawy, 09-22-2024

Hello, everyone.
Lovely to be with you.

So if we can turn our attention
to presence.

Without any effort.
It’s a simple noticing.
Noticing this invisible awareness.


Noticing noticing noticing,
noticing noticing itself.
Without any object,
without any form.

A direct a perception
of Being.

So you can invite
your mind and your body
to rest,
to get out of the way.

So that this revelation
is available to you.

In fact,
it is always available to you.
Because everything you experience,
in essence,
is formless.

The less you do,
the better it is.
In fact,
there is no need to do anything.

Everything is done,
of itself,
on its own.

In religious lingo we say,
God does everything.
We are habituated to believe
that we need to do things,
we need to be in charge.
That’s the illusion!

The illusion of somebody
being in charge.
Somebody who’s
in control.

And so we spin our wheels,
in vain.
The mind becomes very busy
trying to get somewhere.
This part of the illusion,
that there is a person on the work.

We hesitate to let go of that belief.
So we hold on,
we resist.

When you hold on to the sense of me
feeling something,
the need to feel something,
to be somebody, somehow.

The mind complicates things.
While things are very simple:
There is one reality.

This human experience is,
referred to as the waking dream.
Referring to the waking state.

We rely on the mind.
In order to find Peace and Happiness.

But the mind is of the past,
it is conditioned.
It is an ancestral mind,
a tribal mind;
conditioned by millennia of history,
all the empires.

And this tribal Mind is ongoing;
sometimes it haunts us.

And so we wonder
how to quiet this mind.

The mind cannot quiet itself
because the mind is activity.

It’s made out of memories and beliefs,
stored sensations and reactivities,
various programs
that we have used and reused.

Blaming each other,
judging oneself,
judging others.

All caused by believing that reality is material.
A belief that we rarely investigate.

What about letting go of all beliefs?
And, to find out what remains.

How do I completely quiet my mind?
Who is asking this question?

Is it this personal self
that is asking this question?

I want to quiet my mind
in order to experience personal peace.

But Peace is not personal.
In fact, peace is void of personhood.
When there is Peace,
there is freedom from belief.

Above all, freedom
from the belief that my reality
is the world body mind reality,
that my reality is phenomenal.

But your reality is this formless awareness.

When your body is not
made out of flesh and bones,
your true body is Universal.

There is an understanding
which brings Peace and Quiet
to the Mind.

But this understanding has a heavy price.
This understanding requires your death.
The death of your entire belief structure,
your many narratives,
about yourself,
your family,
your culture,
your religion,
your spirituality…
All of that must die.

Sorry, you’re dead.

Every thought which appears to you,
is gone in a second,
doesn’t even exist.

And your beliefs,
no matter how hard you hold on to them,
they don’t exist,
they have no reality of their own.

Sometimes we speak
of the ocean and the waves,
but from the perspective of the ocean,
from the perspective of reality, of truth,
there are no waves.

from the perspective of Peace,
of true Peace,
there is no personal mind,
there are no personal stories.

All the stuff that you cherish is empty.
Seeing that it does not deliver
the goods that you seek,
the Love,
the Peace,
the freedom,
the joy,
the happiness that you seek.

You seek peace and happiness
not as a person.
You seek peace and happiness
as your true nature.

One could say
it’s consciousness seeking itself.
But again, these are words.

There is a liberating understanding.
You have to be willing to pay the price.
You cannot have your mind,
your body and your life,
in the same time,
your freedom.

I’m not talking about starving yourself
or walking naked in the snow.
I’m talking about your mind,
which is so heavy.
Heavy with the past,
with stories,
spinning stuff, dead stuff,
dead spinning stuff.

But when you go to the heart of silence,
you only find the light of Being.

You find
that which it beyond words.

The end of time,
the end of the illusion
of separation and Personhood.

So you have to let go of your mind.
Let the Universe, let God drive it.

You don’t choose anything.
Everything is chosen.

In fact,
there is nothing happening.

So even to say that everything is chosen
is just a way of speaking.

But when you’re holding on to your story lines,
your conditioned mind,
it’s a very busy place,
lots of things are happening.

Often it’s a traffic jam,
our mind gets overloaded.
But that’s just the illusion,
the illusion of time,
of existing in time.

Because time appears to you
as images.
You never appear.
You never appear in time.
Only you believe you do.

But this belief is useless,
is unhappy.
Believing that you are subject to time,
subject to events,
it’s a useless belief.

Just because everybody around you
sings that song,
doesn’t mean you need to sing that same song,
you see.

You can go directly to your experience
as presence, as being.
Notice that it’s only awareness,
only consciousness,
all forms refer to Mind.

Essence, the reality of mind
is what interests you.
Not so much its content,
but it’s essence.

The essence of mind is no-mind.
There is no need to try
to attain no-mind
because mind cannot attain no-mind.

There are no persons
and no things in no-mind.

Then you may ask yourself,
what what am I gonna do now?
What what do I do?

Be available!
Be available for the understanding.
Notice how the mind is like a rabbit hole.

And yet,
here we are using the mind
to contemplate and
to explore and
to wonder
about the Source,
about Reality.

So it can be a tool.
To contemplate.

Contemplate our reality,
our true experience,
which is no-mind.

In a way,
it’s a disappointment for the mind,
the conditioned mind,
to hear that.

But it’s a gateless gate.

the me-narrative
is an illusion.

Any questions?

Photo by Andraz Lazic on Unsplash

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