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The non-dual understanding

Magdi Badawy, 9-12-2024

Hello, everyone.
Lovely to be together
as one.

To know oneself,
as everyone,
and everything;
to be available
for this understanding.

To be in love with the unknown,
with the divine.

The divine meaning the oneness,
the one reality,
the non dual understanding.

So we invite ourself completely,
without knowing,
without history,
allowing and trusting
that the understanding is there,
loving us and revealing itself to us
and inviting us to the recognition
of our innate freedom,
our noumenal reality.

The understanding
that you are not somebody,
existing in the realm of time and space,
that you are not defined
by the thoughts which appear to you.
By the events which appear to you
in your body, in the World.
The understanding that you are this formless awareness.
Beyond words.
Beyond mind.

We use words to speak of that
which is beyond words.

That which speaks
is beyond words.

The nondual understanding is about one reality.

Not about somebody or somebody else.
Not about a me-belief,
what’s happening to ‘me’,
what has happened to ‘me’,
what will happen to ‘me’.

Although, this me download
is an old familiar download,
in a glimpse, we apperceive
that we are formless,
that reality is non objective,
manifesting as world, body, mind,
mountains, rivers,
thoughts, sensations,
out of its freedom.

But the core of your experience,
there is the numenal,
there is awareness, consciousness,
that which is unborn,
does not come and go,
is not subject to conditions.

So we invite ourself to relax,
allowing the me-story,
the personal impressions
to settle in their source.

Because the source always is.
One could say it’s available 24/7.
It is that which neither comes nor goes.

So we love, we love love.
We love freedom.
We love joy, causeless joy.
Not a joy that depends on a body,
on a mind, on relationships.
The causeless freedom.

It is not an accident
that we love this causeless peace,
that the ultimate love of causeless peace,
causeless freedom is to be That.

This profound recognition,
that I am that,
that all is that,
with such joy and liberation, exaltation…
this understanding,
which is our natural state.

In Buddhism they say,
the original mind,
the original self.

One could say it is that
from which we come and go,
but in fact we neither come nor go.

So we release every sensation,
every thought,
every impression from the hold
of the separate ‘me’ impression.

We allow.
It’s an effortless allowing.
Surrender is also an effortless surrender,
which is a way of speaking,
because there is no one
surrendering to anything.

But, in a relative sense, one could say,
we surrender to the Source.
It is the Source surrendering Itself to Itself.

With great freedom,
pure being,
free from grasping,
free from the past,
free from the future,
free from time.

So every sensation
in your body-mind
is released to be as it is willing
for it to be, to dance, to float.

Thoughts appearing from the cosmos,
like musical notes in a symphony.
Every note is connected to the symphony.
Every thought, every impression,
every sensation is connected to the Absolute.

It is God’s symphony.

The perfume of the rose.
And yet, one could say
the rose is quite thorny.

But how sweet the perfume of the rose.

In relaxing this habitual me-tendency.

This is a great offering.
One could say, it’s your purpose.
You hear the invitation,
you understand the invitation,
and you accept the invitation,
and you live the invitation.

Mission accomplished.

Moment by moment,
instant by instant,
this openness to the vastness,
to the unknown,
to Being.

And the understanding
that being is gateless,
there are no gates,
no edges,
no borders.

How lovely.
It’s a journey of Love.

Awakening to our essential nature.
Freedom from the impression of separation.
Dissolving into the Source.

The wave dissolving to the ocean,
but the wave has always been the ocean,
it’s all water.

But awareness is eternal.

We speak of the wave
and we speak of the ocean,
in a pedagogical manner.

Awareness is, just as
let’s say it’s the ocean and the wave,
that’s a way of speaking.

It’s That.
You are That.
All is that.

There is only that.

So, if you have any questions,
please make sure to unmute yourself.

Photo by Aviv Ben Or on Unsplash

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