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A meditative contemplation (09-08-2024)

Magdi Badawy, 09-08-2024

Hello, everyone.
Very lovely to be with you
to share together
to explore
together, as one
rather than as separate entities.

So we invite ourselves
to this recognition
the recognition of the invisible reality which we are.

The invisible formless reality
which is.

So we let ourselves to be carried away
carried away into presence
which, in fact, we never leave.

Everything appears to you effortlessly.

The sound of the rain
the warmth
the heat
sensations in the body.

There is no effort in being
in loving
in being the love
when the past is absent
when the me-narrative
the me-belief is quiet.

There is no effort.
We recognize each other
as the same reality.

We are one.

There is nothing separate.
You are that totality.
This borderless awareness.
Which is the essence of everything.

The Essence of the World.
The essence
the reality of the mind
the reality of thoughts and memories
of reflections.

And the essence of the body.

There are no separations within reality.
The various waves on the surface
of the ocean are one in essence.

The reality of your body mind
the reality of my body mind
is the reality of consciousness.

So you can let go of the past
the self definition
the various recollections
beliefs and sensations
which seem to be important to you.

You can let them go
and allow every moment to be fresh.

Free from the past
blooming in front of our eyes
moment by moment.

Freedom from worries and concerns.
Because worries and concerns relate to the past
some entity which we believe ourselves to be.

Every moment is a fresh moment
without any constraints.

So you can relax deeply into being.
And allow whatever limitations
you imagine and you feel
to relax in your invitation.

Invite yourself to complete freedom
objectless freedom
purposeless freedom.

Without any direction
allowing all directions.

You can come to your true home
which, in reality
you have never left.

You can own it
recognize it
be it
allow it.

This causeless freedom.
This boundary-less presence
that is not subject to any events.

Invite every sensation within your body
every thought within your mind
to be free
releasing all conditions
releasing all effort.

Step out of the way
to allow God’s expression
without interference.

So we can celebrate whatever appears
without any resistance.

How gentle the breath can be
the warmth of the body
the absence of thought.

Sound of the raindrops.
Splatter, splattering.

Never experienced before
this fresh moment.
The sensation of your feet on the ground.
In the absence of thought
in the absence of feet
in the absence of ground.

There are no words.

What is it we are looking for?

What is lacking?
In the absence of mind
in the absence of thought
there are no issues.

The screen is undisturbed
by whatever images appear on it.

You are that – the screen of awareness
which has no edges
no borders
no beginning and
no ending.

Whatever appears
on the screen of awareness
whatever thoughts
whatever appears
does not affect the screen.

That screen has no location
has no form, no shape.

You can relax your body-mind.
The ongoing thinking
and rest in not-knowing
rest in being,
and recognize your freedom.

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