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What is the direct experience of causeless peace?

Magdi Badawy, 08-04-2024

Hello, everyone.

So welcome. Welcome yourself as the totality, not as a set of memories and sensations, but as this transparent presence that has no name, and yet it goes by all names, that has no form, and yet it goes by all forms. This borderless awareness, which is undisturbed by world events, undisturbed by events in the body.

This passing dream is about the understanding of our true self, about our reality, about the reality of our experience. Everything which unfolds on the screen of consciousness is meant to guide us towards the understanding of our innate freedom, about the causeless peace.

As separate entities, we enter the imaginary realm. The realm of identification. I am this and not that. Something is happening to me, concerns me, and everything else does not concern me.

That is the realm of duality, of unhappiness, the unhappy dream of separation. Reality is One. All is One. One as freedom. One as peace. One as love. One as wisdom.

So in our journey from the belief that I am a separate mortal entity to the understanding that there is no such thing, that reality is universal and undivided. That journey is paved with reminders, most of which are painful. Sort of God pinching us, telling us, “I’m here, not over there.”

Sometimes we wonder, what is the experience of causeless peace? What is it like? Who is asking? What is it like for whom? There is this old tendency to separate ourself, distance ourself, and engage in seeking in the future using various means to attain something for somebody, at some point in time.

That is part of the illusion—the illusion of separation, the illusion of me and not me, the illusion that I exist in time. My happiness is dependent on something, a certain spiritual discovery, a certain attainment. This tendency to grab onto something in order to maintain our sense of personal security, which is all rooted in the belief that there is some personal self, that I am a personal self, whatever that is.

But it is possible to relax this tendency rather than giving into it and riding that pony. To simply be as this formless invisible awareness and to live life in harmony and grace, not struggling and arguing, fearing, defending, seeking, engaging the mind in this endless spin. The me spin: my life, my story, my future!

Now is the eternity of being. Do not be concerned about the future. Simply invite yourself to presence, to nowness, to being, effortless being. Trusting being, trusting presence. And seeing that the spinning of the mind only takes you on the merry-go-round. At the center of the wheel is the me-belief.

The belief that I am somebody that is progressing, getting better, or getting worse. That I’m somebody who should have already gotten there. Somebody who’s frustrated about something. But what is this somebody right now? A storyline.

Sometimes we want a teacher to pass on their wisdom to us. To me! Pass it on to me! What is this me? The mind sometimes spins and says, “Oh, I know. I understand. There is no me. But I don’t feel that I got there already. I am missing something.” What is this I that is missing something?

I feel like I’m missing something. Why do we give so much importance to feeling? This is the passing image on the screen. A certain appearance in the wide-open sky. Sometimes the thought appears, “Goodness, I’ve been at it for so long. I’ve gotten glimpses here and there, but I haven’t gotten the full goodies.” Again, what is this I?

The saying goes, “You cannot have your slice of pie and eat it too,” something like that. You cannot be both trusting the me-belief and hoping or asking for freedom, for understanding. You cannot be riding the pony and at the same time, sitting in your seat comfortably watching the show.

You have to get off the pony. And the pony is the me-belief that I’m a woman, I’m a man, I’m a person, I’m this, I’m that—a son, a daughter, a teacher, a scientist, a researcher, an artist.

Maybe the body-mind is male, female, or is an artist or a poet. But you, formless awareness, this formless knowingness. And in this recognition, you are recognizing the causeless peace that you are, the undisturbable freedom, the love and beauty that you are.

So if you have any questions, anything you would like to explore, please make sure you unmute yourself or you can raise your hand.

Photo by Ulrich Knoll on Unsplash

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