Freedom from personal worry and concern

Magdi Badawy, 07-18-2024

Welcome everyone.
Lovely to be with you
to be sharing this
seamless presence,
which is always, sharing itself,
inviting us to our recognition
as this effortless presence.

So we say yes
to this invitation.

And we relax in this invitation.
We invite every sensation
to relax in presence,
to be free.
Every aspect of our experience
is invited to this freedom.

Notice the sensations within your body,
appearing effortlessly in awareness,
in consciousness;
this intimacy,
this sweet intimacy.

The breath.
Gentle movement.
The cosmic dance with the universe,
which is the universal palpation.

Let them flow,
like the waves.

The mind relaxes in presence.

No effort.
Delighting in being.

Because being is, delightful.
It revels in itself,
in its formless self,
its universal self,
which is your self.

Presence is not in time.

Your reality,
your essence is not in time.
Is not defined by thought.
Is not defined by anything you perceive.

When it comes to your true being,
this formless reality,
there is no personal self.

There are no worries and concerns.
They relate to the belief
and the feeling of being a separate entity,
which does not exist anywhere.

You are this formless awareness.

The world body mind,
various activities and events
appear to you,
are created by you,
acted out by you.

There is no danger.

Life is your playground.
You play whichever way
you want to play.
But there is no need
for worry and concern.

It is not a pleasant option.
we remain as presence.
We live and engage as presence,
formless reality.

Nothing ever happens to you.
There’s only one you.
One true Self,
which is invisible to the senses.

The reality which perceives,
the reality which is
and knows it is.

You are not here
in order to solve problems,
rather to awaken to your reality.

The realization of your true nature,
the freedom from the illusion of separation.

So you let go of the past and the future.

When you enter the ocean,
which you are,
this vastness,
this borderless openness,
this infinite not-knowing,
this formless vibration,
this alive emptiness.

Undisturbed by its creation,
the peace of being.

Worries and concerns
are opportunities for you
to let go.
To be and let be.
To relax the tendencies
to try to figure things out,
to resist,
to argue.

There is nothing which is not you.
Nothing lacking.
There’s nowhere you are going \
or coming from.
You are the Totality,
beyond the impression of birth and death.

So you can relax your conceptual [me].

So that your formless self,
your formless reality
comes to the foreground
and reveals your true Self
as this causeless peace,
undisturbable peace.

We don’t need to dig into past,
or to project a future.

You can come to wholeness in this moment.
Dive into the wholeness of this moment.

So if you have any questions,
anything that you would like to explore…

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