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A contemplation of the nature of consciousness

Magdi Badawy, 07-14-2024

Hello, everyone.

So we welcome ourselves
as this formless awareness.
Because that is what we are.
We recognize ourself
and we recognize each other
as this same reality.

Whatever it is
which knows it is.
Whatever it is
which perceives
and knows it perceives.
Which is not a separate consciousness,
or a separate being,
or a separate entity.

Because consciousness itself
is self cognitive.
It knows itself
as that which is
and cannot not be.

And you are this knowingness.
Not a mortal body mind,
but this conscious consciousness.

At the heart of all activity is stillness.

This silent presence.

So you invite yourself
and allow yourself
to be revealed,
to be unveiled.

It is our love for truth,
which shows the way and
which is the way.

As you contemplate your experience,
you may realize
that consciousness, awareness,
is the reality of your experience.

It’s not a concept or a belief.
It is the reality of awareness.
Right now,
this moment,
in every moment:
awareness is,
I am
and I am aware.

A story line may appear
about some character,
and you may believe that you are
this character:
a mother, a father, a son, a daughter…
but these are images
on the screen of consciousness.

The images
on the screen of consciousness
do not define or limit
the screen of consciousness.

When you ask yourself: am I?
Immediately, the answer is: yes, I am!

But when you contemplate
any phenomenal attributes of I,
you do not find any.

In other words,
when you ask yourself,
am I tall or am I short?
You don’t find any answer to this question.

There may be a body
which you perceive,
which is a tall body or a short body,
whichever; female body or a male body.

These phenomenal attributes
do not apply to Consciousness,
do not apply to you.

Is consciousness
a father or a mother?

Is consciousness inside the room,
or inside the body,
or inside the brain?
All these questions do not apply
to consciousness.

Can consciousness be improved,
or can it be damaged?

These questions do not apply
to consciousness.

Can consciousness be born or die?
Can it be hurt?

The more you contemplate
your true self as this transparent,
aware presence, the clearer;
the mind comes to clarity,
the defensive, protective vasanas
within the body relax
in the understanding
about consciousness,
the understanding
about your true self.

The consciousness,
the understanding
about your true nature.

In consciousness
there is no sense of lack,
because there is nothing
which is not consciousness.

The absence of the sense of lack
is what we call happiness;

Consciousness recognizes
everything as itself,
as one,
which is love.

Because in love, we are one.
Consciousness does not perceive
with the eyes of the past.

There is an innocence
and a spontaneity
in perceiving the world,
the marvel of creation.

So invite yourself
to release any self definition.
Do not define yourself
in any way.

To remain fresh,
every instant
a fresh new moment of creation.

And yet nothing is happening.
It is all consciousness.

There is no opposition.

Whatever so called opposition
you experience is conceptual,
an imaginary resistance.

And as you recognize it,
you relax it.
You relax it in your belly.
You relax it in your body.
You relax it in the entire space.

So that you are very tender,
transparent, fluid,
and yet present.

Present as absence,
as transparency.
There is love.

The entire universe is your body.
The entire Cosmos is your mind.

You are viewing your creation.

You are the composer,
the choreographer,
and the only actor.

The only reality,
the reality of the world,
the reality of the mind
is this universal consciousness
which you are.

So, if you have any questions,
anything that you would like to explore,
please make sure to unmute yourself
and you’re come you’re welcome
to turn on your video.

Photo by KAL VISUALS on Unsplash

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