welcome everyone lovely to see you to be with you
so just to remind you
we will be starting with a guided meditation
and then we can engage in conversation
questions whatever.
so if you can turn your attention inward
sit comfortably
there’s nothing in particular that you need to do
you don’t need the past
you don’t need to remember anything
try to figure anything out
because you already are
as presence
which is your effortless natural
everything that appears to you appears
within this effortless presence
it’s simple
sensations in your body
appear within this effortless awareness
which you are
that which you are
and everything that appears to you is
like a breeze
sort of weather
in movement
a flow
you don’t need to retain anything
whatever is necessary is available
there is no one that you need to cater to
you are this Invisible Presence
right now
this reality
the reality being evident
awareness is evident to itself
it’s so freeing
and in a way so simple
not to define yourself in any way
not to be defined in any way
no need for any limitations
to be
not knowing
is what being is
being is effortlessly not knowing
without any separation
we make
differences between this and that
but there are no possible differences in
self and being
I which is this formless awareness
cannot be defined as a male or female
nothing that you need to do
because there is no separate doer anyway
the body may have a name
but you don’t have a name
you are not separate from the sound
of the barking dog in the distance
because there is no distance
everything is a reverberation of your very self
a reverberation of being
there is no happiness tomorrow
because there is no tomorrow
you don’t need to seek anything because
nothing is a part
from your true self
you don’t need to identify with the body
we don’t need to identify in any way
what for
for what benefits
would you choose to identify with a mortal form
it’s not necessary
in the scriptures there is the saying
tat tvam asi
thou art that
I and that are not two
I and this are not two
this and that are not two
if you look directly at your experience in this moment
you will find that experientially
there is nothing apart from you
the oak tree is apart from you but experientially
the oak tree is not apart from you
conceptually you may distinguish yourself from
a thought that is appearing to you
but experientially there is no separation
between you and the thought that you perceive
why not rely on your experience
investigate explore your experience
rather than
what concepts refer to
experientially tat tvam asi – thou are that
conceptually this is not that
and that is not this
but what is your experience
take a look
the thought that you are a person
that you are a body mind
that you are a separate entity
appears within awareness
like raindrops appear to you
like hunger appears to you
like a memory appears to you
what appears to you
doesn’t define you
it’s already the past
but in presence
in this moment
it’s only awareness
one could say it takes on the form of this conversation right now
but the conversation is already in the past
what is it that is not in the past
that is not in time
it is that in which time appears
you are that in which time appears
and not something which appears in time
or space
you don’t need to worry so much about the impression of separation
you can simply understand that it is the game of Shiva
it is an aspect of manifestation
the play of ignorance
the play of self forgetfulness
it is just the play of Shiva
nothing is happening to you
because you are that to which
nothing happens that
that which is non-phenomenal
the reality of all happenings
so whenever you notice
that you are defining yourself as somebody
notice that this self-definition
is simply an internal weather
an appearance within yourself
which is undefined
it is always available to you
as your very self
as your very being.