we’ll start this meeting with a brief meditation
a guided meditation
so just sit comfortably
and turn your attention inward
and rest
allowing your experience
whatever you perceive
whatever is appearing
just to let it be
as it is
you don’t need to do anything
don’t try to fix your experience
or to solve any problems
or improve how you feel
just let it all be
just for now
simply enjoy being
because being is joyful
without concern about figuring anything out
without being troubled by the past
things to be as they are
your body
whichever way you’re feeling right now
that it’s possible for the mind to rest
resting in presence
and how wonderful it is
that you don’t need to do anything
in order to Simply Be
like a newborn
a fresh moment
brand new
that has not yet been conditioned
by thought and by time
by beliefs
that in this moment
you don’t need to be anyone or anything
you don’t need to carry the past
no concerns about the future
no need to Define yourself in any way
there is freedom in
not knowing what you are
without any identification
without any striving
notice the gentle movement of breath
one of the many ways in which
the warmth of the body
maybe it’s not too warm
whichever way the body is
appearing to you as sensation
it’s hard to pin it down
this sensation
which is the sense of being
sometimes I speak about the background of being
we may wonder what
what that is
intuition that we have about
the form
being undefined by thoughts and
that deep intuition
that we have
we are not
made out of matter
in this moment
in every moment
that we are the
it’s aware
thoughts may appear
images appear
somehow we know deep down that
we are not
something which appears
that we are not defined by
we’re not defined by
that which we perceive
we have this deep yearning
to be free and
of any situation
irrespective of any condition
and although
the Mind may direct us to
various activities
via which we will get there
sometime in the future
deep down we know that
we are that
which we are looking for
we are right now this
causeless peace and happiness
which I sometimes refer to
as the background of being
but these are just words
because in reality
there is no background or foreground
such distinctions are conceptual
in fact reality is one
but we are so habituated to refer
to ourselves as
the body and the mind
as persons
as some limited beings
we have created a distinction
to create a division
between our formless and
borderless reality
and the body mind
a conceptual separation
once we
believe that we are
a female or a male form
but then we experience the sense of separation
[…] like somebody who’s in the ocean who
does not know very well how to swim and struggling
to keep their head above water and to make their way to shore
but it’s not possible for you to ever leave
your true self
it is not possible for you to be that which
you are not
it’s not possible for you to be
anything but
the self, this aware presence
although you may imagine yourself
to be a person a man or a woman
a mother or a father
you are this aware presence this borderless aware presence
in all states
the waking state
the sleep state
the dream state
the deep sleep state
you are that
which is not a state
the ground of being
the infinite background of awareness
which appears as your mind
which appears as the world
that you perceive
which appears as
the Avatar that
you feel yourself to be
like in your night dreams
you perceive yourself
as a character in your night dream
when you perceive a variety of events
in your night dream
none of which is separate from you
you being the dreamer
and whatever happens to
the characters in your dream
is your own creation
which feels and seems so real
but nothing in this show whatsoever
is happening to you
there are no borders to awareness
there are borders to bodies and to minds
but there are no borders to awareness
notice in your own experience
don’t believe any words that you are hearing
check it out in your own experience
that you
is this awareness
is this presence
and that this presence
this awareness
has no borders
no location
check it out
because it is
your understanding
which matters