Tag: 30 min

  • The causeless peace of being (11/07/24)

    This habitual resistance, a sort of stubbornness. It’s innocent, but it’s still a stubbornness: I don’t wanna let go! And I hold on to my story. Identify with my feelings and emotions and it’s childish, it’s stubbornness. We’re all familiar with that.

  • Nothing exists outside the One

    How about meeting your experience openly, this wide open listening space, this effortlessness, this transparency, complete availability.

  • The end of misery and suffering

    Can we risk being open without knowing, without narrative, above all, without self definition.

  • Awakening to the formless awareness

    Very lovely to be and to be together without knowing what we are without any personal stories about ourself, without the past; meeting freshly!

  • Ignorance is a choice we make

    Welcome, everyone. Lovely to be with you and to have nothing to do.    Because in essence, nothing is happening.

  • Facing death

    And in the phenomenal realm, we all know that death is inevitable. Most often, it seems to be a dreadful thing, because we are wired for survival. The body-mind is wired for survival and procreation. So there is this wiring within the body-mind to figure its way in the face of danger to survive. But…