Is consciousness a program in your brain?
So we can go directly to awareness. The reality of awareness, the fact of awareness, this magical awareness. The vastness, the formlessness, and the aliveness.
Recovering the innocence of our childlike nature
Like the mind of a baby without any complications. Each moment is brand new, completely fresh. It’s as if we are reborn moment by moment. Everything which appears to you. appears to you within this stillness, this still presence. Which is not affected by whatever it perceives. You are not subject to that which you…
Our true nature is not a state
Everything that you attain in time, you can lose. But that which you are, you do not attain nor do you ever lose.
How do I stop being carried away by my thoughts?
This recognition is available to us. The recognition of presence, the recognition of this formless awareness that has no personal owner. There is nobody who exists in time and space. That is simply an impression which inhabits the mind, an impression which we have believed in, and at some point we let it go.
Where peace, love and beauty meet.
It is within that understanding, the understanding about truth, about the reality and universality of consciousness, that peace, love, and beauty meet and express themselves, and bloom and reveal themselves. .:. It is not via any mind activity, it is via this understanding. .:. We relax our pursuits our pursuit of experiences our pursuit of…
Honoring truth
So we meet freshly every moment. We invite ourselves to be not in time but in presence.
In coming and going, we never leave home
There’s only one reality which never, in fact, leaves itself. It is not possible for you to leave yourself. It is not possible to separate yourself from your experience.
Costa Rica Friends
The Universe, the World is not apart from you. You could not perceive it, if it was apart from you. The very fact that that you perceive. points directly to your intimacy, to your oneness. Separation is just a belief. When you believe in separation, you manifest it, you create it. in your mind as…
Perceiving with the eyes of God
Live it. To invite yourself. for that understanding to live itself and express itself. in your life, in your thinking, in your feeling, in your acting, in your perceiving. So that you can live according to God’s will. You are that will.
How do we come around to be here?
And that’s the big secret. That which never leaves us. That which is and cannot not be, this ordinary awareness, is the big secret. And it reveals itself to itself, whenever we are aware, that we are aware.
Personal desire and fulfillment
The fulfillment of your desire is not in time. The fulfillment of the desire for freedom, for truth, for happiness is fulfilled in this understanding that you are that.