The end of misery and suffering
Can we risk being open without knowing, without narrative, above all, without self definition.
Awakening to the formless awareness
Very lovely to be and to be together without knowing what we are without any personal stories about ourself, without the past; meeting freshly!
Why are we here?
To meet each other freshly, to meet one’s experience, freshly. Because there is freedom in meeting without a past. There is peace, in the absence of being somebody.
Ignorance is a choice we make
Welcome, everyone. Lovely to be with you and to have nothing to do. Because in essence, nothing is happening.
Satsang with Magdi ❤️ 10-15-2024
The habitual mind is always seeking activity. Something to do, somewhere to go, something to get, something to recollect and repeat. But all this activity is just a reflection, a dreamlike reflection. It has no significance.
A field of Love
What sort of nonsense? This personal identification, the sense of separation, wars, and conflicts, and battles. So invite yourself to let go. Without conditions. Without holding on to anything. Completely let go. It’s an exploration. It’s an invitation.
The formless light of awareness
We are habituated to perceive from a me-perspective, from a certain imaginary focal point. So we release this focal point. It’s as if we are perceiving from a space behind the eyes, behind the head, behind the body, so that your perception is more global without a particular focus point.
Beyond the repetitive mind
The mind of old always referring to your reality as mortal, as phenomenal, as material, but understanding is not material. It can shine onto the mind, but it’s not made out of mind.
Exploring the me-feeling.
God’s whisper whispering to you: I am thou. Thou are I. All is well. And we have available to us life, relationships, interactions with each other, interactions with the tribe.
Full Stop.
Simply invite yourself to rest. Invite the Mind to be, to be not-knowing, to rest in not-knowing, to trust not-knowing. Effortless being. Always on board. Always there. The peace.
Tara ❤️
I just want to share my deepest love with you all! It is so touching to come together and I am extremely grateful!
The nature of the Self
Welcome, everyone. Lovely to be with you. Since there are a couple of newcomers,just a reminder that this meetingwill start with a short guided meditation,which will be followed by whateverquestions you may have. So, to start with,if you can sit comfortably and,either close your eyesor turn your attention inward.And welcome your experiencejust as it appears……