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Category: Meditation

  • Contemplating the mystery of being

    So, allow, be and let be. Freshly moment by moment. No direction, no purpose, no objective, because you are already That. You are the Home that you seek. It’s a done deal. Don’t mistake yourself. to be an entity in time and space.

  • How to stop repetitive haunting thoughts?

    We are home. We are the home that we seek. We are that, which is not a thing, not a somebody, not a someone, but that which is, and cannot not be.

  • Dealing with existential fear

    You are this invisible, aware presence, which right now hears these words, which knows it is and knows that it is formless, boundless, invisible to the senses, and yet undeniable. The reality of being. So come closer to the edge, and fall into God’s arms.

  • What is this apparent reality? Am I here and you there?

    Boundless. The freedom of being, the reality of being. And you are that.

  • What is the direct experience of causeless peace?

    Now is the eternity of being. Do not be concerned about the future. Simply invite yourself to presence, to nowness, to being, effortless being. Trusting being, trusting presence. And seeing that the spinning of the mind only takes you on the merry-go-round. At the center of the wheel is the me-belief.

  • Sentience and consciousness.

    Because in resting as being there is freedom. Freedom from mental activity, freedom from this constant attempt to define oneself, to protect oneself, to justify. So we can invite this tendency, this habitual muscle to relax. Because all is well in presence. Presence is not something that we do. It is what it is. It…

  • Contemplating the mystery of being

    Contemplating the mystery of being

    So, allow, be and let be. Freshly moment by moment. No direction, no purpose, no objective, because you are already That. You are the Home that you seek. It’s a done deal. Don’t mistake yourself. to be an entity in time and space.

  • How to stop repetitive haunting thoughts?

    How to stop repetitive haunting thoughts?

    We are home. We are the home that we seek. We are that, which is not a thing, not a somebody, not a someone, but that which is, and cannot not be.

  • Dealing with existential fear

    Dealing with existential fear

    You are this invisible, aware presence, which right now hears these words, which knows it is and knows that it is formless, boundless, invisible to the senses, and yet undeniable. The reality of being. So come closer to the edge, and fall into God’s arms.

  • What is this apparent reality? Am I here and you there?

    What is this apparent reality? Am I here and you there?

    Boundless. The freedom of being, the reality of being. And you are that.

  • What is the direct experience of causeless peace?

    What is the direct experience of causeless peace?

    Now is the eternity of being. Do not be concerned about the future. Simply invite yourself to presence, to nowness, to being, effortless being. Trusting being, trusting presence. And seeing that the spinning of the mind only takes you on the merry-go-round. At the center of the wheel is the me-belief.

  • Sentience and consciousness.

    Sentience and consciousness.

    Because in resting as being there is freedom. Freedom from mental activity, freedom from this constant attempt to define oneself, to protect oneself, to justify. So we can invite this tendency, this habitual muscle to relax. Because all is well in presence. Presence is not something that we do. It is what it is. It…