Complete intimacy


Youtube recording: 03/02/2025
Meditation: MP3 Audio file   

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Dear Jeff, please let me know if this works better (on your Android phone):

Welcome, everyone.

Lovely to be with you.

So for the first part of this meeting,
invite yourself to simply be.

You’re welcome to close your eyes,
or you can turn your gaze inward.

do nothing.

As best as you can,
let go of the past and the future,
because for now,
they are not needed.

Simply notice your experience
just as it is:

Sensations within your body.

The gentle breath,
which is effortless.

There is nothing that you need to do.

Hearing appears to you.
It appears and disappears.

A certain thought may appear to you.

A memory, an image.

It appears and disappears
in a flash.

But you don’t appear and disappear.

are constantly shifting and changing,
but you,
meaning this simple, effortless awareness,
neither appears nor disappears.

And it is peaceful.

Because there is nothing
happening to this effortless awareness.

So you can invite yourself
to rest as this effortlessness,
without a goal,
without an objective,
without any limitation.

We can sink deeper and deeper
into this non-doing.

The mind is invited to rest.

Because it is not needed
right now.

It’s so lovely to be restful,
not needing to do anything,
exert any effort.

To be
this timeless now,
this timeless nowness,
this timeless presence.

Where the mind
is not engaged in resisting or seeking.

There’s no need to defend
an image
or to project an image.

There’s no need to
or hope.

All of that requires effort.

We are so habituated to
imagine ourself
to be a separate entity,
to be a person,
a man,
or a woman,
some entity.

So used to identify
with the body,
with the mind,
which is limitation.

And as a result of this identification,
we experience the sense of separation.
And our innate intimacy
is veiled
by the belief that I’m a person,
that I exist in time and space.

But what if you take a look
at your experience right now?

Is there any real separation?
Is the hearing right now
from you
in this moment?

What is the distance between you
and the hearing of this voice?
What is the distance between you
and the sensation of your feet on the ground?

What is the distance between you
and the thought which appears to you?

Because in this moment,
are not a person,
a man or a woman,
you are this effortless awareness.
Changeless aspect of your experience.

I am aware,
It’s undeniable.

I being what?
Isn’t this I which is aware
awareness itself?
I awareness.
I’m aware.

I am aware of perceptions.
I am aware of images.
I am aware of thoughts.
I am aware of memories.
I am aware of bodily sensations.
And I am aware that I’m aware.

How intimate is that?

The separation is imagined.
In the conceptual realm,
there is this and that,
various forms:
Nama Rupa,
names and forms in the conceptual realm.
It’s okay.

But the reality of your experience,
take a look,
is absolute intimacy.

Intimacy with the thought,
intimacy with the sensation,
intimacy of awareness.

Because awareness,
the reality which perceive
is formless.
It is not made out of things.
Reality is absolute and therefore
cannot be limited by any form,
by any size,
by any shape,
which are limitations.

Intimacy is formless and is real.
Conceptually, you are here
and the mountain is over there.
But, experientially,
you are the mountain,
the mountain is you.

You are the universe.

You are the cosmos.

There is no separation
between the body and the world.
They are the same essence,
the same substance.

And so in the absolute sense,
there is no gain or loss.
Only in imagination
can you have a discourse
about gain and loss.

But in the directness
of your experience
it is one reality.

It has no name,
and it goes by all names.

Has no form,
and it goes by all forms.

So the path of understanding
is the path from the sense of separation
to complete intimacy.

The end of worries and concerns.

Because there is nothing apart
from yourself,
your true self,
your only self.

So relax your hold.
Relax your grasp.
Relax your attachments.

Let go.
Be completely not-knowing.

invite not-knowingness
to permeate your entire being,
every cell,
every aspect of your being
to be permeated
with this complete intimacy.
It already is. It’s a done deal.

you, wakeful one.

So, if you have any questions,
anything that you would like to explore,
you know the drill,
you’re welcome to raise your hand
and unmute yourself.
And, there is an icon
at the bottom of the screen
called React; click on it.
You can also raise your hand
there as well.
So any questions?

You are also welcome to turn on your videos
if you care to
because I always enjoy seeing you.

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