Living as the transparency of being


Youtube recording: 02/14/2025
Meditation: MP3 Audio file   

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Dear Jeff, please let me know if this works better (on your Android phone):

Hello, everyone.

Lovely to see you.

So for the duration of this meeting,
if you can somehow invite yourself
to, just simply be.

or inviting yourself to
no need to think about anything
or figure anything out
or try to understand anything.
Let things be.

Whatever understanding is meant
to reveal itself
will do so effortlessly.

Notice how in this very moment,
there is no effort in,
simply hearing these words
or perceiving the breath
if you turn your attention to the breath.

There’s this subtle movement,
this gentle flow.

Notice how,
as a thought appears to you,
it appears effortlessly.

Because your true self
being, awareness, consciousness
is always available.

There are
no gates,
no obstacles,
no resistance.

Nothing is being pursued
or sought.

Notice this effortlessness,
the effortlessness of being,
the effortlessness of presence,
of awareness.

And when you turn your attention
to the body,
you may notice
some sensations.

The sensations of your feet on the ground.

Subtle vibration of the body.
The heart pumping.
There is nothing you need to do.

It’s unfolding in awareness.
You may notice
some possible contractions
in maybe your chest
or neck or your body somewhere.

Notice that even
that appears
in the borderless
spaciousness of awareness.
There are no barriers.

This effortless presence,
is peace,
the background of all activity.

We are conditioned
and habituated
to pursue things.

To resist.

Both seeking and resistance
are troublesome;
they require so much effort.

Inner anguish.

You become engaged
in some sort of struggle.

Can we somehow
embrace all of it;
notice whatever is appearing,
and to cherish the stillness,
cherish the peace.

Because our most profound love
is the love for freedom
and peace
and happiness.

What we truly love,
which does not go hand in hand
with resistance and fear.

So we invite ourself
to honor that which we love,
to honor love itself,
to honor peace and freedom.

Which is causeless,
does not require us to seek
or achieve anything’
it’s too much effort, too much trouble.

The sun shines effortlessly,
providing light and warmth.

The light of awareness;
shines within you,
through you,
from you,
to you.

You are that shining light.
You are aware.
You are that awareness,
that light,
which is transparent,

The wide open sky is infinite.

one could say,
is colorless,
although it appears blue
or black at night
or red sometimes,
it’s colorless.

that is your true nature.
You do not need to define yourself
via the past,
via thought,
via the senses,
via the activities of the brain.

What is it to be undefined
just for a moment?

Complete not-knowing.

And yet
undisturbed awareness.

Presence, being.

The reality of all forms,
reality of your thoughts,
of your memories,
of your bodily sensations,
of the world.

It does not belong to the world,
does not belong to the body.

What is it in your experience
that is not subject to time and space?

You have to inquire to this.

To awaken
to the experience of consciousness;
Consciousness aware in itself,
revealing itself to itself,
not via the mind,
not via thinking.

What is it to live freshly
moment by moment?

To meet every
every event,
every instant,
every situation.

Not with all
our baggage,
our stories, and
our histories, and
our narratives, and
our stuff.

But to explore
this eternal moment.

Maybe taking on the form of,
a thought or
a sensation.

But it’s always appearing
in this timeless presence.

And in this timeless presence,
there is no separation,
there is no duality,
there is no me and the other,
my narrative,
my storyline.

And although
the reality of the ocean is water,
there are waves as well,
and these waves
have the same reality
than the ocean.

Do not attribute separate reality to wave.
the flow,
the interconnectivity,
the harmony,
the rise and fall.

It’s, it’s musical.

Once we have the ears to hear
and the eyes to see.
We hear the harmony,
and we see the beauty,
because God’s touch is everywhere
and in everything
as it is said in some religious context.

And that’s so beautiful
and peaceful,

So if you have any questions,
anything that you would like to explore,
make sure to unmute yourself.

You can raise your hand.
Either personally
or by going down to,
I think, the react button
down the bottom of the screen.

So any questions?

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