Does awareness progress after a glimpse?


Youtube recording: 02/06/2025
Meditation: MP3 Audio file   

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Dear Jeff, please let me know if this works better (on your Android phone):

Hello everyone.

So let’s welcome ourself.
As, no one and, everyone.

Resting as we are,
resting as our true essential nature,
which is formless,
this ordinary awareness.


So just for the duration
of this meeting and beyond,
allow things to be as they are:
floating images,
bodily sensations.

On their own
and off their own,
they’re empty.

without awareness,
without presence,
without being.

They have no reality of their own.
So we can relax
and let go
of all the knowledge,
all the past accumulations
that we have stored.

To be completely not-knowing
in this moment,

And yet there is a deep knowingness
that there is love
and that we are love,
which cannot completely
be grasped or defined by the mind.

So allow this relaxation,
this effortless not-doing,
to reveal itself to you right now.

And to reveal to you that
there is nothing at stake.

That all is well as it is.
That all is love.

Beyond the divisions of the mind,
beyond the realm of duality,
beyond the realm of opposition,
of good and bad.

There is a deep freedom,
which is your freedom.

Not your freedom as
somebody who can do
whatever they want,
but the freedom of your true self,
of your true nature,
the freedom that you are,
which is one freedom.

Not a freedom of separate entities.

So allow yourself to
sink deeper and deeper
in not-knowing.

To be embraced,
to be absorbed,
to be dissolved
in God’s light,
in the absolute,
the formless reality,
which we all are,
which everything is.

This entire so called human experience
is not about the human experience,
but about the understanding
about Truth,
about Reality.

That consciousness is real.

That you are not defined
by what you imagine yourself to be.
You are not defined by the senses.
You are not defined by the world.
You are not defined by the body.
You are not defined by the mind.

What is this I?
What is in this moment,
is it not this formless awareness?

Take a look.

Are you in the images on the screen?
Or are you this effortless awareness?

Check it out.

Sometimes a question arises:
Does awareness progress after a glimpse?

So many ways
to approach this question:
what is awareness this moment?
What is its shape,
its form?
What are its characteristics?

I am aware.
Am I separate from awareness?

Or is I another word we use for awareness?
Is there somebody standing apart
from awareness in this moment
in your experience?

Thoughts may appear.

Like the wind appearing,
a gust of wind.
But the gust of wind
doesn’t define the wide open space.

Does awareness have
any form,
any shape,
any color,
any gender?

Can that which is formless,

Improvement requires time.
How it was years ago and
how it will be in the future.

But does awareness
appear in time?
Or does time, memory,
appear in awareness?

Put furniture in a room,
a wide open space,
you can arrange the furniture,
improve the design,
but nothing happens to the space.
You cannot improve the space
within which the furniture is.

And yet there can be a deepening,
a deepening of our understanding.

New understandings.
New insights.

There are no insights that improve awareness,
but they reduce or diminish
the arising of ignorance and unhappiness.

New insights, deepening understanding,
can help dissipate the sense of lack,
the belief that there is something at stake.

The belief that there is no loss and gain,
can help, reduce the arising of fear and worry,
which is a wonderful thing.

And yet, we all know
that on the relative level,
sometimes a torrent of rain
is very helpful
for the Earth to sprout and plants to grow.

We all know that at the relative level,
every breath we take is,
we say combustion, oxygen;
some sort of combustion within the body
that is essential for the survival of the body.

There are no mistakes in God’s kingdom.
Even the belief that I’m a separate entity,
that I’m a man or a woman,
a father, a mother,
a son or a daughter.
Even that has its place in the grand scheme of things.

Robert Adams says:
“All is well and unfolding as it should.”

All activities,
arise out of non-activity,
out of the stillness.

Their essence,
their reality
is non-movement.
Your reality.
One reality.

Where would this one reality move from,
and where would it move to?

Our true home,
our essence.

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