Youtube recording: 01/26/2025
Meditation: MP3 Audio file
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Dear Jeff, please let me know if this works better (on your Android phone):
Hello everyone.
Lovely to be with you,
and to share the invitation
to simply be.
There is a shared beingness,
which is our essential nature.
So I welcome you
and invite you
to be available.
Before we proceed…
We take a moment
express our love
for our dear Tara,
who left us this week.
Only in appearance
because we never leave
that which we are.
Although there is a recognition
that a wave arises
out of the ocean
and returns to the ocean,
there is a deep sorrow.
A reflection of the love,
an expression of the love.
The grief is connected to the love.
Tara always expressed her deepest desire
was to be free from ignorance,
free from the illusion of separation.
She used to say: I want to finish it up.
That’s very beautiful.
We are together as one.
We may miss each other,
but we are one.
We are truly one.
We have a common goal.
It’s a very important understanding
to reach in this brief passage,
which we call life, the human life.
You are not that
which you imagine yourself to be.
You are not the body mind form
which you perceive.
You are not defined by the feelings.
You’re not defined by the emotions.
You’re not defined by whatever beliefs
you have about yourself.
Some important understanding
that you are this invisible,
formless, aware presence,
which is the love.
You are the love.
We already are that.
We are that.
That is what our true nature is.
And we are here
to come to this understanding,
to share this understanding,
and to celebrate to celebrate each other
from that understanding.
To nurture this understanding
and to help each other in our life.
To return to this understanding and deepen it.
Because sooner or later,
we have to go through the veil,
the veil of
that which keeps us
feeling and believing
that we are a mortal entity.
Bodies come and go.
Thoughts come and go.
Everything which appears
appears and disappears.
But we don’t!
We do not appear and disappear,
that which we are.
And what is that experientially?
If you look in this moment,
if you don’t refer to yourself,
if you do not refer
to time,
to memory,
to thinking.
What remains?
formless aware Presence.
It takes on the form of
But knowing yourself
as that formless awareness,
there is a freedom.
Freedom from
attachment to beliefs.
Above all,
freedom from the attachment
to the belief that you’re a person,
hat you’re a man or a woman.
And the freedom to
experience the screen,
the images on the screen simultaneously.
There is no need to
try to dilute or to avoid
or to conceptualize the sadness
or to understand it.
It is there full blast available to us.
We don’t need to know it with our mind.
We don’t need to form a narrative
about what’s unfolding.
But to be fully available
and transparent to it all.
Events happening in your life
that have an impact on reverberation
within your body
to be available to it all
lovingly, openly.
It’s an effortless embrace.
And, somehow,
there is also the understanding
that all is well.
When it comes to our true nature,
there is no gain or loss.
There is only love.
Sometimes the expression
of this love manifests itself
like in this meeting right now,
or manifest itself
in simply being completely transparent
to what’s unfolding.
Because this transparency is love.
Images may appear
that may impact on the body.
That’s okay too.
That’s part of it.
It’s part of
how consciousness manifests.
It’s always inviting us
to take a look deeper.
To recognize
that which is not visible to the senses.
What is that?
Yes, we are connected
in this realm of the senses
and the realm of mind.
But this connection, in fact,
is a connection of consciousness to itself.
Like two waves in the ocean
are made out of the same essence, water.
That is
our true connection,
our true nature,
our true Self.
To allow the wave to unfold,
whichever way it’s unfolding.
Not to force your will onto it,
wanting it to be different.
Wanting life to be your way.
We never know what’s around the corner,
but we are available right now,
fully available to what is unfolding,
including the pain, the sorrow,
the hardship sometimes
of caring for a friend,
the challenges.
I remember,
Tara was sharing with me,
in her last few days,
she said, all is love.
So true.
We are that love.
And so wonderful
that we have this life
that we’re living to
to express the love,
to share the love,
not to operate from a place of fear
and not to operate from a place of concern,
personal concern,
personal worry,
because there is no truth to a person.
This is no separation, in fact.
We’re one in truth in reality
in the absolute sense.
There’s nothing that’s ever
removed or added to us,
to what we truly are.
Thus our path is to come
to the understanding
that we are not a body mind entity.
There is no reality to a person
and a personal story.
It’s just a narrative.
And the second part of the journey,
as a way of speaking,
is to live
according to that understanding.
Because it is living
according to the understanding
that we are this transparent presence,
this one reality,
this one consciousness,
that the remaining debris
of ignorance are released,
come to the surface,
and dissolve in your understanding
and in the way you are living.
how you are acting,
how you are acting,
how you are thinking,
how you are perceiving.
You are all here
because you already have that understanding.
Just we’re here reminding each other.
Maybe one could say,
renewing our commitment
or refreshing our commitment to truth,
to the full liberation.
to Universal Love.
appear to you.
They do not define you.
Thoughts appear to you.
You navigate them
out of love and sweetness
and harmony and universal love,
not just your personal self.
Beware, the personal self tendency
is unhappy in the short run
and in the long run.
When Tara passed,
Francis came over and sat quietly by her side.
He said the wave
has never left the ocean.
Life goes on.
Let’s live this life
out of beauty,
caring for each other,
exploring our true self,
to become free from fear,
to live out of the freedom,
our innate freedom.
Freedom from fear,
freedom from worry and concern,
navigating the waters.
For each one of us to
find out moment by moment.
And whatever we do
has an impact on everybody.
So, If you have any questions,
well, you can unmute yourself
and raise your hand.