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Waking up from the illusion of separation


Youtube recording: 01/19/2025
Meditation: MP3 Audio file   

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Dear Jeff, please let me know if this works better (on your Android phone):

Welcome everyone.
Lovely to be with you.

So welcome your experience
as it appears to you.

Being completely open;

Without any effort.

There is nothing you need to do
there is no personal doer.

No personal subject.

Sensations appear
effortlessly in the spaciousness
of awareness.
That is your experience.

Effortless awareness.
Being presence.

Nothing is lacking.
Nothing is too much.

For the duration of this meeting,
you can invite your body and your mind to rest;
to be tranquil.

Because your true nature is tranquility.
The wide open sky of awareness.

You are that freedom,
that openness,
which is untouched
by events in the world,
events in the body,
or mind.

So you don’t need to
chase anything
or resist anything.

In this way,
you don’t maintain
the illusion of a separate doer,
the illusion of being a limited self,
a limited entity.

All activities
arise out of stillness.

Like the waves arise
out of the ocean.

The stillness is not affected
by what appears to you.

So invite yourself to
sink back, so to speak.

Into the non movement.
Without resisting whatever appears.

There is no need for you
to fix the images on the screen.

Simply recognize yourself
as the transparent screen of awareness.
Which does not know any separation.

There are no borders to awareness.
There’s no such thing as
when it comes to awareness.

My awareness,
your awareness
is all one.

And the understanding of
this oneness
is the understanding about
our essential nature.
Understanding about reality,
about truth,
which is the blooming of love.


When it comes to
thoughts which arise to you,
there is Viveka,
the capacity to distinguish
between a thought which is
a neutral appearance
and the thought which is loaded
with the belief that there is a separate entity;
the belief that I am a separate consciousness.

It is this belief
which is the culprit,
which maintains
worries and concerns;
but you need to be free
from senseless
worries and concerns.

It is this belief and the feeling,
that I am a mortal entity;
which you are not.

The body is mortal.
The sunrise and the sunset.
The tide goes up,
the tide goes back down.

The acorn
which grows into an oak tree.
And when a strong wind comes in,
in a stormy weather,
the oak tree goes back
down to the ground.

That is the case with the body,
the body mind.

But that has nothing to do
with your reality.

Right now, in this moment,
there is the reality which perceives
this perception, effortlessly.
That which is and cannot not be.
Which has
no color,
no shape,
no gender,
no size,
no beginning,
no ending,
no location.

You are that.
That transparent,
invisible beingness, awareness,
which has no birth or death.

So to know yourself intimately
and directly in this moment
as that.

And to invite your entire being,
your entire body mind
to align itself
with this understanding
rather than the habitual
download of
I am somebody,
and, oh my God,
what is going to happen to me?
What is gonna happen
to my family,
to my tribe,
to my body,
to my mind.

The understanding that
nothing happens to you,
to the true you,
there is only one you,
one reality,
which is a reality of consciousness,
of awareness,
that which in this moment perceives,
hears effortlessly.

You are not the body mind

You perceive the biocomputer.
You perceive thoughts.
You perceive bodily sensations.
You perceive memories.
You perceive hunger.

But you are not defined
by that which you perceive.
You need to come to this understanding
so that understanding becomes your own,
your own direct experience.

You’re not defined
by the thoughts that appear to you.
You are not defined by
the narrative,
the me narrative,
the narrative of my body,
the narrative of my family,
the narrative of my tribe,
you’re not defined by anything
which appears to you.

You are the undefined presence,
formless presence.

There is a liberating understanding.
The understanding which
brings an end to
mistaken identification,
brings an end to suffering,
brings an end to the sense of separation,
which is unhappy.

In this moment
what is it that you truly are
without using memory,
without using mind?

This moment,
which is not a moment in time.
What is it?

Allow yourself to be not-knowing.
A step in the good direction,
to be not knowing.
Because the mind is loaded with stuff,
inherited rubbish about the self.

The mind exists
in time,
in thought.
You don’t!

You are the eternity of being.

Thoughts appear to you.
You being this ordinary
and yet extraordinary
non phenomenal.

So the path is the path of love,
love of truth.

The path is the path of
letting be,
relaxing the old tendencies
of resisting and seeking.

The path is the path of inquiry,
investigation about reality.
What is it that is and cannot not be?

The path is the path of living
your understanding,
not just being an academic.

Embodying your understanding,
trusting the understanding.

But not any understanding
that is borrowed,
but to reach your own understanding,
to come to your own understanding.

So you can live your life fully.

It is an exploration.
You exploration.

You have to be available and willing
to explore, to investigate,
because happiness is your true nature.

Causeless peace,
causeless freedom,
it is your true self,
which is veiled
by the belief
that you are born and
that your destiny is death.

The belief that you are a male or female entity,
which you are not and have never been.

Okay, so,
whatever questions you may have,
make sure to unmute yourself.
You can raise your hand
or turn your attention to the react icon
on the bottom of the screen.

Once you click on it,
you can also raise your hand that way.

So welcome whatever questions you may have.
Anything that you would like to explore.

And if you don’t mind, you can turn on your video,
because I like to see you.

So any questions?

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