Youtube recording: 12/26/2024
Meditation: MP3 Audio file
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Dear Jeff, please let me know if this works better (on your Android phone):
Welcome everyone.
Lovely to see you,
and to be together,
in this,
So invite yourself to
sit comfortably and,
just for now,
let go of everything
you know.
you don’t need to do anything.
No effort, whatsoever.
Simply resting
and allowing
this restfulness
to permeate
your entire being.
You can let go,
for now,
of the past.
Anything that
you know about yourself,
anything that you know
about the world,
you can just for now,
let it be.
Invite the mind
to settle,
to rest
in this
In presence
there is
no past,
no future,
no tasks to accomplish,
no problem to solve,
nothing to figure out,
no state to achieve.
Simply being,
And for now,
that is sufficient.
So you find yourself
effortlessly open.
you hear these words.
But there is no need
to figure anything out.
No grasping,
no resisting.
And in this moment
of Being,
as awareness,
as presence,
there is no time.
Simply this effortless awareness.
As this effortless awareness,
there is no me-narrative.
What I should attain,
what I should realize…
No me-narrative.
You can relax
in this
formless awareness.
It’s so freeing.
There is freedom
in the absence
of a me-narrative,
the absence of
a personal story
with its ups and downs,
past regrets,
future hopes.
It is freedom from
these mind impressions.
You don’t need to
define yourself as somebody.
You don’t need to
define yourself as a person,
as a woman,
as a man,
as somebody,
in order to be aware.
As awareness
does not need
a person,
does not need
a personal doer,
personal subject;
that is just a mind narrative;
images on the screen.
But the images on the screen
do not define the screen.
Perceptions or sensations,
do not define you.
this moment,
is this effortless awareness;
this ordinary awareness.
So wonderful.
What a wonder to be aware.
The wonder of awareness.
We’re all familiar with
the me-narrative:
A thought arises saying,
I am a son,
I am a daughter,
I am this person.
We don’t need
to identify ourself
via such a thought.
We perceive the thought,
which says,
you are so and so.
But the thought
which we perceive
does not know anything
about that
which perceives it.
How could something
which is perceived
know anything
about the perceiver?
It is the other way around.
It is the perceiver
which knows the thought,
which perceives the thought.
Why define yourself
as somebody,
as a person
with problems and issues.
Is it necessary?
This life,
provides us with an opportunity
to understand.
Understanding about reality,
understanding about
our essential nature.
Understanding about
the Source,
about Consciousness.
The understanding about Truth,
is liberating,
removes the shackles,
the impression of separation,
the unhappiness,
which is the result of
a thought identification.
What about
not identifying?
not buying into the belief,
that you exist
in time and space.
Not buying into
the belief
that you are
a body-mind-entity
with personal problems
that you must resolve.
Not buying into
any mind narrative
about yourself.
When the clouds part,
the wide open sky
is revealed to be
there, in its vastness.
The clouds do not disturb
the wide open sky.
They simply veil it.
The belief
that you are somebody
seeking enlightenment,
not realized…
an incomplete entity…
That is the veil!
Notice this belief.
Whenever you refer to I,
what do you mean?
What are you referring to?
And what is it that is referring?
What is the true
nature of I?
Is it a bundle of
thoughts and beliefs
and ideas and notions?
Is it a body which
is dying every minute?
What is the true nature of ‘I’?
‘I Am’.
‘I’ is.
What is it?
In this moment,
I am aware.
Is it the body that is aware?
Is it the head,
the belly,
the stomach?
Is it something
which is aware?
What is it that is aware?
You are aware!
You, awareness.
this effortless awareness,
is aware!
A storyline cannot be aware.
A narrative cannot be aware.
Only awareness is aware.
So this temporary
is about this understanding.
Deepening this understanding,
trusting this understanding,
living this understanding,
expressing this understanding,
being this understanding,
in not being somebody.
Because somebody
is simply
the activity of resisting and seeking.
Fear and the sense of lack.
Take a look.
Find out for yourself.
Own it.
Be it.
This understanding
is hidden in plain sight.
So, if you have any questions?
Anything that you would like to explore?
Make sure to unmute yourself
and you can raise your hand.
Also, there is a the react icon
in the bottom of the screen,
which if you click on it,
you can also use it to
raise your hand there.
And if you can turn your turn on your videos,
if you don’t mind to do so.
I love to see you.
So any questions?