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Awareness and Reality


Youtube recording: 12/19/2024
Meditation: MP3 Audio file

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Dear Jeff, please let me know if this works better (on your Android phone):

Hello, everyone.
Lovely to see you.

So welcome.

Sit comfortably.
And, simply welcome your experience,
just as it appears to you.
Invite yourself to simply be.

Inviting the mind to rest.
resting in Presence.

Notice the
various sensations
which appear to you,
which is how the body
appears to you.

There is nothing
that you need to do
for now.

No seeking.
Not trying to figure anything out.
Letting things be as they are.

There is a vastness,

A knowingness.


I Am,
is there,
by itself.

This light is always on.
The light of awareness.

It’s like the breath,
for the body.
It’s always there,
seemingly ordinary.

And yet,
essential for the body.

When it comes to awareness,
it is also there.
But essential to what?

Is there a reality
beyond awareness,
to which awareness
is subservient?

The mind can spin and spin,
but this spinning is like the wind.

The wind does not make
the wide open sky spin.
The wide open sky remains as it is,

Thoughts and perceptions
appear in awareness.

Movement appears in the stillness.
The non-movement,
the stillness
of awareness,
of knowingness.

The mind is a movement.
The body a movement.
But what is the reality
of the mind and
of the body,
of the World?

What is it that which does not move?

In your experience,
there is that non-movement.

Which is
not a feeling,
not a sensation,
not a mind state.

Reality is not a movement.

In this moment,
in every moment,
there is that reality.

When you look at a wave
you only see the wave
but the ocean is there,
always there.

When you look
at the mind,
at the thought,
at the sensation,
you do not see the ocean,
but the ocean is there.

The reality,
the substance
of every thought,
of every sensation,
of every perception,
is always there.

Somebody may tell you a lie,
that the Earth is flat.

what is being shared is a lie,
there is a reality to this lie.
Something which perceives
this lie, effortlessly.

Everything which appears to you
may be dreamlike,
an illusion,
a mirage.
But reality is there.

That which perceives the mirage,
is not a mirage.

That which perceives the body,
is not an object,
is not an impermanent thing.

What is it in your experience
which is permanent?

Not the images on the screen.
Not the thoughts,
the sensations,
the perceptions,
which keep changing.

But this effortless awareness.

Which has
no form,
no shape,
and yet it’s full on right now.
Always full on.

How many realities are there?

The mind can spin and spin,
but reality remains as it is,
one reality.

Awareness refers to
the reality which perceives.
Not to that which is perceived.

You are that reality.
This effortless awareness,
which has
no form,
no shape,
no age,
no gender.

by world-body-mind events.

The freedom that you seek,
the Love that you seek,
the Happiness that you seek,
is in this understanding,
is revealed to you,
and established in your Being,
as you live this understanding.

That there is one reality
which is

And that reality
is not phenomenal.
It’s not that which you perceive.
It is not that which you conceive.

Separation is an illusion.

We use concepts judiciously,
for practical reasons.
But the use of names and forms,
the use of the conceptual realm,
does not refer to a separate reality.

The body,
the human body
is one body,
and yet,
we refer to the right hand
and the left hand.
We refer to the shoulders.
We refer to the feet.

These conceptual references
do not imply separation,
do not imply multiplicity.

The ocean is one.

Reality is one.
You can call it Consciousness,

There are two aspects
to this reality, seemingly.
The aspect of being,
am ness,
and the aspect of knowingness,

Being is the ‘I am’.
Not, I am somebody.
Not, I, somebody is.

I am implies is-ness is,
Am-ness is.

The other aspect of…
of experience is:
I know.

I am and I know.
I know that I perceive and
I know that I know.

Not only I perceive,
but I also know
that I perceive.

of the world,
of the body,
of the mind,
and awareness of awareness.

Being, reality in Sanskrit
is referred to as ‘sat’.
awareness in Sanskrit
is referred to as ‘chit’.

There are two sides
of the same coin.
This coin is of zero thickness.

Awareness Reality,
Sat Chit
is one.

One could say that
reality refers to emptiness,
and awareness – ‘chit’ –
refers to fullness.
It’s a pedagogical way of speaking about it.

So full emptiness,
then empty fullness.

Can you comprehend that?

Just hear the words.
But get them straight:

Sat Chit Ananda, Nama Rupa.

bliss, name and form,
One reality, one non duality.

Non duality, Advaita.

The entire Teaching
can be summed up,
in one word:

So if you have any questions,
anything that you would like to explore…

Please make sure to unmute yourself,
and you can raise your hand
or use the React icon
at the bottom of the page,
when you click it.
There is also a hand gesture,
where you can raise your hand.

And you’re welcome
to turn on your videos,
I always enjoy seeing you,
if you wish so.

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