Youtube recording: 12/15/2024
Meditation: MP3 Audio file
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Dear Jeff, please let me know if this works better (on your Android phone):
your experience
as it is.
Without the past
without a goal
without any effort.
Invite your mind
to relax and rest.
It is not needed right now.
There is nothing you need to do
during this meeting.
Let things be as they are.
Notice, that
you are effortlessly aware.
Meaning, awareness is effortless.
The reality which perceives
is effortless.
This reality is unaffected
by That which it perceives.
The images on the screen
come and go.
You don’t.
And this you is
this formless awareness.
Not a male or a female entity.
Not something which you perceive.
You, refers to knowingness
the perceiving aspect
the noumenal aspect
Which means timeless
Not a thing.
We are habituated
to rely on the senses
for understanding.
But the senses
are simply a tool
used for perceiving thoughts
bodily sensations and
world perceptions.
They are not that which perceives.
In ignorance
we mistake ourselves
to be an instrument of perception.
We believe ourselves
to be a bio computer
with a beginning and an ending
with a name
with personal qualities.
These qualities apply to the body-mind.
Some are tall
some are short
some are more sensitive than others.
Different skills.
But the qualities of the body-mind,
do not refer to you.
What is appearing to you does not define you.
You are this vastness
this formless presence
beyond words
beyond description.
The unborn.
When it comes to That
there are no issues.
No existential angst.
No existential problems
when it comes to your true self
which is this transparent, invisible reality.
That which knows it is.
There is nothing lacking.
There is nothing
we must accomplish.
Nothing that we need to resist
or hold on to.
Because there is nothing outside
of your true self.
Nothing outside your reality.
It’s non-dual.
One reality
One ocean.
And in your contemplation
there is understanding.
The understanding that
you play the game of being somebody.
You play the game of being
a man
a woman
a person
with a personal history.
While in fact
you are this formless awareness
which does not exist in time and space
and is not in the realm of history.
You play the game of being somebody
with a personal narrative.
Identifying with a certain imaginary form
separating yourself from the totality.
And seeking your unification with the totality
which you have never left.
The totality which you are.
You play the game of seeking the wholeness
which you are
the freedom which you are
the peace which you are.
And you do so by
believing yourself to be somebody.
Somebody in time and space:
Oh my goodness
what’s going to happen to me tomorrow?
What will my life be like downstream?
The game of time
the game of limitation.
And in your contemplation
you contemplate the contemplator.
The reality which perceives.
You investigate the Source.
And in this investigation
you move from form
to formlessness.
You move
from illusion
to reality.
You move from
that which is impermanent
to that which has no cause.
And in this contemplation
the sense of separation
it is seen to be a hoax
a cosmic joke.
You giggle in the recognition
the recognition of your non-dual nature
your non-dual reality.
You giggle at the game of separation:
Seeking happiness in relationships
seeking happiness in personal accomplishments
seeking happiness in family relationships
seeking happiness in health
in wealth
in accumulation of things.
… to no avail.
wondering about your fate
giving that so much importance.
Too much importance.
Maybe giving the world-body-mind
all the importance.
That’s what we do in ignorance!
So can we tend
to the world-body-mind lightly?
Without compromising
our innate freedom.
Without making ourselves
vulnerable to…
to what?
What are we holding onto?
What is it we are grabbing?
A purer experience?
What is a happier experience?
Can you hold on to anything?
Maybe you will find happiness
in not holding on to anything?
In peace
in stillness
in non-resistance.
But is that possible
while you are holding on to the belief
that you are a separate entity?
Holding on to the belief
that you are a limited awareness
a limited consciousness
a personal something?
Is it possible to let go
and hold on at the same time?
Holding on to our narratives
to our stories
our beliefs?
Or can we explore
being open
To comprehend the cosmic joke
you have to comprehend
your absolute freedom
your unconditional freedom.
No things outside of
the one reality.
The reality of consciousness.
Your reality!
Which is you
apart from everything and nothing.