The Non-dual path


Youtube recording: 11/24/2024
Meditation: MP3 Audio file

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Dear Jeff, please let me know if this works better (on your Android phone):

Hello, everyone.
Lovely to be with you.

So if we can sit comfortably,
and welcome our experience
just as it is.

A sort of relaxation
into presence.

You don’t need to
engage the mind.

Simply relax your body,
allow things to be as they are.

You can,
for the duration of this meeting,
suspend the past;
and don’t be concerned
about reaching any state
or any goal.

Rather, invite yourself
to sink deeper and deeper
into presence.

So the mind is invited
to relax, to rest.
No activity.
Nothing to pursue.
Nothing to resist.

Effortless presence,
effortless awareness.

There is nothing
that you need to do
in order to hear these words
or to notice the sensations
within your body.

They’re just there:
a gentle breath,
the sensation of your feet
on the ground,
or without any feet
and without any ground.

Awareness is effortless.

It is not something
that you need to think about.
It’s not something
that you need to remember
or to become more aware.

All of that is thinking,
These thoughts appear to you.

What is this you?

They appear in awareness,
don’t they?
Meaning in this openness,
whatever it is,
which is effortless,
which is indisputable.

There is a reality
which perceives
whatever it is.

that which you perceive
could be a hallucination.
But even though
it may be a hallucination,
there is a reality which perceives it,
which is your very self.

It’s effortless.

There is a crucial understanding,
which is the understanding that I,
whatever that is,
whatever refers to itself as I,
is this effortless awareness.

The understanding that I
is not the body-mind entity,
is not a form,
is not an object
in which you perceive.

I is the perceiving aspect.

The knowingness,
that which is and knows it is.

For so long,
we have been
assuming and believing
ourself to be
a male, female form,
some sort of form,

A bundle of of what?

Are you a bundle of something
or this pristine awareness?

The light of knowingness,
the formless aspect.

This is crucial understanding
about the significance of I,
the reality of I,
as that whatever it is
which perceives,
which is,
knows it is.

Because there is no isness,
there is no being
without knowingness,
without awareness.
They go hand in hand.

So you don’t need to look for yourself
somewhere in the mind,
somewhere in past,
in future.

You don’t need to search for yourself
and find yourself as a narrative,
as somebody
born in time and space
and with past trauma and future hopes.


That is just a mind narrative.
Because right now in this moment,
and it’s always this moment,
there is no narrative,
just pure awareness.

Because you cannot leave now.
You cannot leave nowness,
to go into the past,
into the future…
it’s not possible.

You cannot leave the now,
because you are not an object.

You are not in limited form
that you perceive or
that you conceive of.

And if you are not the limited entity,
if you are this effortless awareness,
is this awareness limited?

Is this awareness
a female or a male awareness?

Is this awareness aging?
Younger awareness or
an older awareness?

Does this awareness
have a shape,
a triangular shape
or a hexagonal shape?


I, Awareness,
do not have any phenomenal attributes,
no limitations,
no phenomenal structure.

It’s formless,
invisible to the senses,
and yet,
absolute reality.

So what is it that suffers?

What is it that is disappointed?

What is it that is ill?

What is it that is lacking?

It cannot be this,
formless awareness.

What is it?
How real is it?

Can you burn the wide open sky?
Can you slice the ocean
in segments?

The images that appear
on the screen,
if it’s a fire, the screen does not burn.
Or if it’s the image of a storm,
or the ocean,
nothing is happening to the screen.

Because the screen is not a thing
as we conceive of things.

Those are conceptions,
maybe useful conceptions.

names and forms.

I have a certain function,
but they do not refer to reality.
They do not refer to awareness,
to consciousness.

So in the non dual path,
there is the understanding about reality.

That reality does not belong
to the dream,
does not belong to the content
of awareness.
That reality does not
appear and disappear
like thoughts appear and disappear,
sensations within the body,
appear and disappear.

And the non dual understanding
is about that which neither
appears nor disappears.

And the understanding that
all perceptions refer to one reality:
the reality of consciousness,
of awareness.

All sensations,
appear within awareness
and at zero distance
from awareness.

The perceived
is not separate
from the perceiving aspect.

They are one.
Like your night dreams,
they’re not separate from the dreamer,
the dreamer’s mind,
the content of the dreamer’s mind
is not separate.

Zero distance.
No space in reality.

And yet I perceive the mountain out there.
What makes it out there?
Take a look.

Right now,
with your eyes closed,
you may perceive
a sensation or
a thought.

Where is it?
There’s no out there.

And then we open our eyes and,
suddenly, we claim that there is an out there.

Just because the eyelids have lifted
by a quarter of an inch,
suddenly there is an out there.

Out there where?
What is this out there?

What is this distance that
we believe in and experience of it,
as if it has a reality of its own.

Sometimes we say,
it is far apart from me.
The tree is a 100 yards
distance from me.

What me?
Yes, the tree is a 100 yard
distance from the body.
The distance from
the tip of your nose to
the tree is a 100 yards.

But the nose is
the nose of your body,
not you.

Believing that you are the body
is an aspect of ignorance.
Denying the body
is an aspect of ignorance as well.

The understanding about I,
about consciousness,
about reality,
is that I perceive.
I am the perceiving aspect.
I perceive the body.
I perceive hunger.
I perceive the toes of this body.
I perceive various sensations.
I perceive images
of the body, maybe.

I am the perceiving aspect,
the invisible reality,
the knowingness.

So in the non-dual understanding,
in the non-dual path
there is the understanding.

There are various understandings
which relate to consciousness,
to awareness,
to reality,
to I,
to the perceiving aspect.

And there is also the living of that.
Living as this borderless presence,
this effortless presence,
which is neither resisting nor seeking,
which is not holding on to any beliefs.

This open field of awareness,
this effortless welcoming.

without welcoming.
Doing without a doer,
no personal separation.

I and the universe are one
as I am living that
in life,
in relationships,
in interactions,
in the many situations
that life presents.

To explore living
as this formless openness,
not always referring to I, me
as a separate entity.

Not referring to the past and the future
except when it’s practically needed.
Not to referring to oneself
as any entity,
to be not-knowing,
walking the walk,
living this understanding,
allows this understanding
to embody you,
to embody itself.

Dissolving all barriers,
all impressions of separation.
That is the gift.

So if you have any questions,
any things that you would like to explore,
make sure to unmute yourself.

You can raise your hand
or use the icon
on the bottom of the screen,
where the heart is.
It says ‘React’.

And at least turn on your videos,
if you don’t mind,
because I’d like to see you.

any questions?

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