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Beyond all dreams


Youtube recording: 11-17-2024
Meditation: MP3 Audio file

Alternative MP3 player

Dear Jeff, please let me know if this works better (on your Android phone):

Welcome everyone.

Very lovely to be,
to be together.

To be not knowing,
and yet there is
this impersonal availability,
this effortless presence,
which we all know,
and which we all share.

There is no separation
when it comes to awareness.

It is only in referring to ourself
as somebody,
as something,
that we experience separation,
we experience the sense of limitation,
the sense of lack.

So, we welcome ourself,
not via the past,
not via memory,
not via what’s happening on the screen,
not via what’s happening to the body,
but we welcome ourself
freshly in this moment,
not in time.

Because you are not in time,
time appears to you.

You are not a narrative,
narrative appears to you.

And this you
is this knowingness,
this no-thingness,
this formless reality

Every sensation that appears to you
is simply a colouring of this emptiness,
this empty knowingness.

Whatever appears to you
is a colouring of this
empty knowingness.

And the you to which
all appearances appear to
is this empty knowingness

There is a simplicity
to not being somebody.

Somebody with their
stories and
histories and
problems, their
regrets, their
and all these narratives

Such a burden,
which is unnecessary
in this moment of being,
this moment of presence.

And it’s always this moment
which is complete and full
and lacking nothing.

The dream appears to you,
it appears to you as

Leela: creation, creativity.

Part of the dream is
consciousness imagining itself
to be in the dream,
to be an event in the dream,
born a body-mind entity.

And to do so
it veils its formless reality
via identification.

Notice the peace,
effortless tranquillity,
this effortless awareness.

In this moment of awareness,
being aware of itself,
there is no veil,
because in this moment
there is no history,
no identification.

I is revealing itself
to be this consciousness,
not male, not female,
not aging, not aching.

And it is in the dream
that there is a crack,
a glimpse.

A glimpse of understanding
about consciousness,
about reality,
about our true nature,
our essential self.

And it’s in the dream
that the mind,
for a certain time,
is elated, joyful.

Because causeless joy
goes hand-in-hand
with our true self.

What is the dream right now?

Is there identification?
Whose business is it to find out?

Are you the body-mind?
Are you a psychological structure?
In this moment,
are you a seeking,
a hoping entity?

Are you somebody,
somebody with problems
that we must resolve?

Are you in the dream?
Take a look!

Being in the dream is like
being caught in a spider web.

Is it not?
What is the spider?

We all aspire
for causeless happiness,
there is no way around it.

But is happiness possible
when you are struggling,
resisting and seeking,
regretting and hoping…

As a…
as what?
As somebody who can find happiness
some time in the future,
the illusion of time,
which goes hand in hand
with the illusion of me,
because this me is
the illusion of time,
thoughts and sensations.

Is it possible to be
completely surrendered
and yet awake, present.
Not to be somebody
and yet,
when there is a need for action,
there is action somehow.

There is a need for listening?
Because we are
not denying the dream,
it appears to us
in complete intimacy,
but this intimacy does not mean
that we are a separate entity
in the dream.

The wave is complete intimacy
with the ocean,
the same substance,
the same essence.

We don’t need to
separate ourself
from that which appears to us.

The ocean
isn’t in the business
of separating itself
from the waves
or from the currents.

All what is necessary
appears to us,
to consciousness.

Pangs of hunger lead us
to preparing a meal.

Perceiving a hurting neighbor
lead us to compassionate action.

But there is no one
trying to protect their image
or safeguard their sense of me.

We are all the same self.
This does not mean
that we are a particular body-mind, no.

There are different colors
of the rainbow,
the white light
is diffracted through a prism.
So many shades of color,
but it’s the same light.

So notice
the gentle movement of breath,
this effortless
inhalation and exhalation.

Without any definition.

Allow your sense of self to
be free from any images.

Notice its formlessness,
its borderlessness,
the tranquility.

The tranquility of being.

You are that tranquility,
that formless beingness.


So, if you have any questions,
anything that you would like to explore,
please make sure to unmute yourself
and you are welcome to
turn on your video,
since I like seeing you.

Any questions?

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