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The awakened mind

Youtube recording: 11/14/2024
Meditation: MP3 Audio file   

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Dear Jeff, please let me know if this works better (on your Android phone):

Hello everyone.
Lovely to see you.

So, welcome
welcome yourself
without any history
without a past,
a fresh moment of not knowing,
being not knowing.

This effortless awareness,
which is our true self,
always on board.
This ordinary mind
which sometimes we overlook.

The light of awareness.

So ordinary,
but from a judgmental perspective
this ordinary awareness is disregarded.

So in this moment,
if you can invite yourself
to rest as this
effortless awareness.

Allow it to nourish you.

The mind can rest and
in a way dissolve in being.

The tendency to refer
to yourself as a person,
to refer to yourself
in any phenomenal manner
via feelings and sensations
and opinions,
and images.

All of that is unnecessary
in this moment of presence
because it is always
this moment of presence
without any personal subject,
without any personal chooser.

What a freedom,
this non-doing,
this being.

Images appear on the screen,
but the screen remains clear,

You’re not defined
by thoughts and sensations
and beliefs and images,
which appear to you.

You’re not defined by the past,
by your past traumas,
by the opinions of others
and how you are perceived.

That does not affect your true being.
It does not affect your reality,
except if you choose to.
Playing the game of being affected.

But it’s an unhappy game
to be subjected to sensations
and feelings
and people’s opinions
and it’s unhappy.

So you don’t play this game.

You allow whatever appears
on the screen to be whatever it is.
Not concerned about fixing the images,
fixing the movie.

It’s too much trouble
and it’s unnecessary.

What’s the point of
making alterations to the movie?
It’s still the movie.

You respond only as needed
from a practical perspective
without compromising
the understanding that:

You are not an object.
You are not a subject.
You are not a form.
You’re not a thing
existing in time and space.

How could you be,
given you are the light of awareness?

Take a look right now in this moment.
That which perceives
is invisible to the senses.

Awareness, consciousness
is neither female or male.
It’s not a story.
It’s not an image.
It’s not tall.
It’s not short.

That which perceives,
your true being,
your true self,
your reality,
your essence,
is this invisible
awake presence.

The awakened mind
is the mind that has been
blessed by this understanding,
that has been touched
by this understanding.

This understanding
removes the virus
of separation and limitation
and fear of mortality,
personal worries and concerns
and this endless spinning
in the past and the future.

That is the healer of the mind:
This understanding
that you are not existing
in time and space.

Time and space appear to you
as thoughts and perceptions,
but you are
the beholder of time and space,
the beholder of the mind,
the beholder of the world.

The ocean of being.

Being is the freedom.
Freedom of attachment,
freedom from grabbing
and holding on to stuff.

Freedom from
freedom to create.

You are that freedom.

Being is love.
The intimacy of being,
the one reality,
second to none.

Everything which you perceive
and experience is made
out of your very being:
One reality, one essence.

The reality of your mind,
of your world is you,
this aware presence,
that which neither comes
nor goes.

Being is beauty,
the eyes of children,
the innocence of being.

Untainted perception.

This complete openness.

The journey is not an outward journey.
It’s a sort of an inner journey to the source.

This is relatively speaking of course.
And in your experience,
the buck stops at awareness.
The reality which perceives.

There may be infinite thoughts,
infinite sensations, infinite stories.
But that’s downstream.
Downstream from being,
downstream from awareness,
downstream from I – consciousness,
the formless self.

You are that
which is undisturbable,
that which is undisturbed…
What is it?

Own it,
remain steady
with your understanding,
deeply rooted
in formless being
– the reality of all forms,
all seeming appearances.

We say yes.

If you have
any questions,
if there is anything
you like to explore?

You can unmute yourself.
And, as usual,
I love to see you.
So, you can turn on your videos.
Any questions?

Photo by Artem Darkov on Unsplash

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