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The sense of I


Youtube recording: 11/10/2024
Meditation: MP3 Audio file   

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Dear Jeff, please let me know if this works better (on your Android phone):

Hello, everyone.

Lovely to see you
and to know you
as myself.

Beautiful beings.
The same awareness.
The same ocean.

We welcome
the totality of our experience.

Without any separation
without any judgment.

Completely surrendered.
Complete availability.

Like a newborn baby.
This fresh moment.

The mind is clear and restful.
Because we know ourselves
as this transparent presence.

Not as somebody.
No past. No future.
Nothing to defend.

Relaxing our seeking habit.
Without any worry
without any personal concern.

We dive in.
We let go.
Without trying to reach any goal.

This moment of complete peace.
To take a break
from this endless activity of
resisting and seeking
arguing and judging.
Letting go of
all images of ourselves.

We say yes to that.

No need to know what’s next
because that would be mind stuff.

Maybe this moment is sufficient.
Like when we go swimming
and we dive in
completely submerged.
There is a moment of silence
a moment of peace.
Like when the body is
dissolving in deep sleep.

And yet,
in this moment you’re aware.

There is this effortless awareness
which is undeniable.

Nothing you’re trying to do
in order to be aware.
It is effortless
it is just there of its own.

and so precious
this ordinary awareness
which we sometimes refer to as
the ground of being or
the background
while in fact
there is no foreground
and no background.

It is possible to be
complete presence
which is a sort of
personal absence.

The gap between two perceptions.
The gap which permeates all perceptions.

To be, for a moment
free from personal ambition
free from personal concerns.

Free from any
personal identification
because there is no need
for identification.

There’s no need
to hold on to the past.

No need to identify yourself with any form.
All forms are limited
bound by time and space.

But the sense of I
without any identification
just a sense of being

Before we try to
formulate it
color it
personify it
weave a narrative about it…

There is a purity.
A formlessness to this
sense of self.

Before this sense of self
becomes tainted
by history and
by memory.

This impersonal knowingness
which we all know experientially
before our personal narratives:

The I am.

Which is this
ordinary awareness knowing itself:
I am aware.
I know I am aware.

It’s an open knowingness
a formless
borderless knowingness
that has no personal entity in it.
No objects.
No separation.

There is no need to
narrow the sense of I
by various attachments
unnecessary identifications.

There is a certain freedom
in being
which is immediately
restricted and veiled
when being becomes being somebody.

The worries and the concerns
about this me, somebody.
It’s an unhappy narrative.

So the journey
is a journey of understanding
about the true nature of being
your true experience
your true self
as not a thing
not anything perceived
not anything felt
not anything conceived.

But this formless
invisible to the senses
aware presence.

In this understanding
there is the revelation of
causeless happiness.

The ordinary mind
is revealed to be God’s mind.

Your old shackles
of time and space
are seen to be illusory shackles.

The impression of mortality
is released from the body-mind.
That is your true home!

The ground of being
your true self
that which truly is
and knows it is.

That is your formless reality.

The reality of
everything you perceive
everything you conceive.

And you can let go
of the tight shoes of identification.

So, if you have any questions,
make sure you unmute yourself.

And if you don’t mind
turning on your videos,
whoever feels like it,
I always enjoy seeing you.

So any questions?

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