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The causeless peace of being (11/07/24)


Youtube recording: 11/07/2024
Meditation: MP3 Audio file   

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Dear Jeff, please let me know if this works better (on your Android phone):

Welcome, everyone.

Turn your attention to the source.

Meaning this invisible
aware presence.

Which is always silent

Always present.
Always available.

It is that which
doesn’t come and go.
Which means it’s your effortless reality
your effortless beingness.

So welcome yourself as that.
Welcome that as yourself.
It is the self welcoming itself.

A simple and
deeply significant

Our home
our restful place.

Recognize yourself as that
as this formless presence
this effortless presence
this aware presence.
There is no separation.

There is no history
no stories.

No me
no you
in this formless beingness.

There is no need
for you to do anything right now
no need to pursue anything.

No need to exert yourself
in attempting to change your experience.

Whatever appears to you
is fleeting.

Images on the screen.
A coloration.

Whether it is something
which appears to you
within the body
world events
certain thoughts
they have no significance
of their own.
They have the significance
that you give them.

So be judicious.
Allow things to be as they are.
Without any need
to refer to yourself as somebody
or to refer to another
as some other.

Recognize God’s touch
in everything.

All manifestation is
the movement of the One
like waves on the surface
of the ocean.

No need to consider
this aware presence to be a wavelet.

There is no need
to downgrade yourself
to some limited entity
attached to various beliefs
and stories
and repeating old narratives.

We can let it all go.
It may appear
but the gates are open.

No borders.
No positions
to fix ourselves.

You are this
open formless

This not-knowingness
which is aware
knows it is
knows it is aware.
But it is not attached
to any form or any object
not defined
in any phenomenal manner.

There is no personal you.

What remains
when there is no time?
No time!
No past
no future
no storyline.

I am.

There’s no room for somebody.
There’s no room for a personal narrative.
No room for a me-story
but ample room for being
ample room for joy
and peace.

Freedom from fear
from worry
from self-concern.

Freedom from personal ambitions
personal regrets in this moment.

Savor the freedom.
This inner silent understanding.

What’s missing
what’s lacking
in this moment?
Without going to thinking.

Do you need to always go to thinking?
Memory and stories about yourself
do we really need to do that?

Can we
for a moment
just simply be
without personal storyline
without the past.

Right now.

It’s always right now.
from the past
freedom from old traumas.

Why wait?

Is it possible
in this moment to be completely free?
Free from identification with the body
with the mind narratives?

Why do we worry so much
about the vehicle?
The body-mind vehicle.

This is convenient
for a certain period of time
to play
to celebrate
and to learn
about love
and empathy.

Consciousness is using
this methodology right now
to reveal itself to itself.

And in this revelation
there is the understanding
that I am this formless Self.

That I am
not that which appears
on the screen.

Can you own that?
Can you embody that?
And live as that?

Not living as somebody
in opposition to
this or that.

There is freedom
in not being somebody.

The absence of limitation.
You need to
step into those shoes
not simply hear the words.

Remain open
without seeking any states
without holding on.
To be available
transparent to whatever appears
without an objective.

Try it out!

Because you
need to realize for yourself
that nothing is actually
happening to you.

When you are not-knowing.
Not-knowing yourself as somebody
or as something.
When you’re not repeating
these old me-patterns.

They may arise
but you don’t touch them.
You’re willing to try it out
not to touch them.

To go through the veil
the illusion of suffering.

This habitual resistance
a sort of stubbornness.

It’s innocent
but it’s still a stubbornness:
I don’t want to let go!

And I hold on to my story.
Identify with my feelings
and emotions.
It’s childish
some sort of stubbornness.
We’re all familiar with that.

But it’s lovely
when we let it go
and find it’s possible
to be free from that
to simply be
innocently in this moment
without the old stuff.

There may be some
initial resistance
but it’s okay.

We don’t give power to that.
We just see it
as part of the baggage.

We are the love and the beauty.
The freedom.
This formless awareness.

It’s magical.
This realm of being.
So profound
so vast.

Infinite creativity
and freedom.

All is well.

Photo by Vidar Nordli-Mathisen on Unsplash

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