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Nothing exists outside the One

Youtube recording: 11-03-2024
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Dear Jeff, please let me know if this works better (on your Android phone):

Hello every one,
lovely to be with you.

So if we can,
effortlessly rest,
resting as presence.

Effortlessly welcoming
without knowing
whatever appears to us.

The gentle breath.
The warmth of the body.

Whatever is appearing to you,
whatever thought is
appearing to you
without knowing,
without history,
without memory.

A sort of being,
but not in time.

Because there is
a timeless dimension.

This knowing Presence,
which we cannot describe,
using the mind.

But which we know,
when we are not
engaging in
or seeking,
when we’re not engaged in thinking.

There is Presence.
There is Beingness.

Which is peace,
the causeless peace,
our true nature,
our true self,
we refer to as oneness
or wholeness.

It is the space that
we yearn for.
The complete absence of
things to reach for,
things to pursue.

Freedom from
adopting any position.

Being open.

Because everything
appears within this openness.
Everything appears within you,
appears to you effortlessly.

There are no gates,
no borders
into your Being.

Because there is
no owner
to beingness.

There is no
personal owner,
personal doer.

It’s like the wide open sky.

And within this openness,
there is nothing else.
It all is this openness,
this formless beingness,
this formless awareness.

That which has
no beginning and
no ending.

And it is this endless,
formless reality,
which plays the game
of manifestation.
Like the ocean,
plays the game of waving:
waves and currents.

And self-knowingness
is knowing yourself
not as an object,
not as a singular wave,
but as the one and only,
the one and only
formless awareness,
the one and only reality.

Although you may play
the game of conceiving
of other realities,
it does not mean that,
in fact,
there is any other reality.

But what does it mean,
one reality?
The I Am,
what does I Am mean?
What is the significance of I Am,
the understanding of Being?

Means there is no opposition,
because non-being cannot be.
Only being is,
only isness is.

No opposition,
meaning peace
and freedom.

In the absence of
the sense of lack,
the absence of the sense of limitation,
the absence of personal worries
and personal concerns.

About what?
My ending?
What is this I that ends?

Only that which appears to you
and disappears to you.

A thought,
a perception appears to you,
disappears to you:
a memory,
a bodily sensation.

But do you disappear
as the thought disappears?

Where would you go?

The thought dissolves back
in the ocean like a wave.
Back in the ocean.

It actually never was
apart from the ocean.
It’s very substance,
the substance of the wave,
it’s water,
the substance of the ocean,
the one substance.

Why do we struggle?

Everything appears to us
from the universe:
The sunshine,
the wind,
the rain,
the gravitational field,
the heartbeat.

They’re all universal events,
impersonal events.

Do we need to manufacture
a personal entity?
What for?

Is it helpful?

Does it serve any purpose
to separate yourself from the one,
from oneness,
from wholeness?
Is it such an amusing game
to be critical,
experience anger,
and to feel vindictive.

To struggle
defending one’s beliefs.
Towards what end?

To live embroiled in self concern,
worrying about tomorrow,
worrying about one’s health,
one’s wealth,

Is it something
we enjoy doing,
to worry?

What’s gonna happen
to me tomorrow?

Why is this happening to me?

What is this me
that we’re so obsessed about?

In this moment,
because it’s always this moment;

There’s no time,
there’s no space for a me.
It’s just this
borderless awareness,
taking on the form of
a conversation or
a sensation or
a thought.

What is this me,
this personal entity?

It is nowhere to be found
outside of belief
and sensations within the body,
which are interpreted as a me,
as a personal entity.

And sensations
in the face,
in the chest,
in the belly.

Is that the proof
that this more or less awareness
is limited and personal?

What is your evidence?
Simply because we have
inherited this belief.

To become somebody,
to be loved,
to be successful,
to be,
fill in the blanks,
such trouble!

Living, propping one’s image
worrying about one’s image,
one’s whatever.

Just give me anything
to worry about.
It doesn’t matter
what it is.
Just something.

If there is nothing to worry about,
well, let’s create something,
let’s make it up.

Maybe my neighbor’s dog
or my cousin’s girlfriend
or how I was greeted the other day…
something to bite my teeth into it;
to to whom?

To somebody
or demonstrate to myself
that I am somebody important,
somebody powerful,
or somebody worthless.
So much nonsense!

Are we so habituated to,
bite our teeth in something?

Because in the absence of
being somebody in particular,
what would I be?

Sometimes we can notice
that we’re uncomfortable with silence.

Silence is such a simple thing,
the simplicity of silence,
the freedom of silence.

We may need to fill it up
with something rather than
being this silent presence.

We habitually play
the game of being somebody,
limiting ourself.

So many habits.

In a flash,
in a moment,
in an instant,
am I pushing back?

And in this pushing back,
we return to separation.

Something is driving us.

the wide open sky
is not driven by the clouds.

What is it
that at times
is driving you,
or seems to be driving you,
possessing you,
taking over.
Is it?

And what for?
Is it a survival thing?

Because it would make sense
if it’s about survival,
the survival of the organism.
Yes, to push back
at somebody charging you,
trying to cause harm to your body.

But what about this tendency
to push back
in the absence of real danger.

Is it that I cannot tolerate?
Something about the situation
is intolerable and unacceptable.

Doesn’t fit my…
my what?

My sense of well-being?

When it keeps repeating
itself over and over
in my life.

How about
meeting your experience openly,
this wide open listening space,
this effortlessness,
this transparency,
complete availability.

We may discover
that there is no harm,
no harm,
all is well.

In fact,
we may discover
that peaceful ways are very lovely.

So, if you have any questions,
please make sure
to unmute yourself
and you can also raise your hand
if you like,
by clicking on the reaction button
at the bottom of the screen.

Photo by Dottie Di Liddo on Unsplash

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