Welcome, everyone.
Lovely to see you.
So we are this,
effortless welcoming.
Recognize yourself;
not as something which appears,
not as a bundle of
sensations and thoughts,
but recognize yourself
as this effortless welcoming,
this effortless beingness.
This transparent awareness.
Which recognizes itself
as the one and only reality,
which is the true meaning
of Advaita.
This formless awareness,
which knows itself as I.
Even before the word is uttered,
before the arising of any thought,
is the light of awareness;
which is always shining
It has no location.
The belief and the feeling
that awareness is located
in the body,
in the mind,
or is arising
out of a particular location
is an invalid belief
is not a phenomenal event.
It is this formless reality
which is the essence
of all perceptions.
without awareness,
without consciousness,
what would a thought be?
What would a bodily sensation
be without awareness,
without this formless consciousness?
Notice how every thought
which appears to you
appears within Awareness,
but awareness does not appear;
It is not a form,
it is not an object.
Out of a masochistic play,
you identify yourself with a limited form.
You imagine yourself to be mortal.
You believe yourself and feel yourself
to be something existing in time and space:
A female form or
a male form or some
sort of conceptual aspect.
And as a result of this created limitation,
you struggle to free yourself from it.
You maintain it
and create it
and struggle against it.
That’s some sort of masochism.
Can you be available
to the understanding
that you are
this formless reality,
this formless awareness?
a mother,
a father,
a son,
a daughter.
Not what you imagine yourself to be.
Rather, to understand
that you are the imaginer.
You are the imagination.
The one reality.
One could say,
the one Source.
Everything that arises
out of the Source
is made out of the Source.
You can give it various names
and various forms,
various designations,
but it’s still the source.
Manifesting itself,
as human mind,
as world,
as bodies,
as thoughts and sensations.
It is not possible
for you to be anything else
but that which you are.
That which is,
is not dependent
on anything.
Isness is absolute.
The thoughts
that appear to you,
a dime a dozen,
one after the other,
different forms,
different shapes.
Their isness
is not their appearance.
Their isness is consciousness.
When you reflect about isness,
you go directly
to the experience of being.
Because Being is not a concept,
it is experiential.
Amness, Beingness is experiential.
Allow it to notice itself.
There is no personal doer
or personal subject
that you need to protect.
There is just a figment
of your imagination;
a sort of story,
a narrative.
The moment you know
it to be a narrative,
you are free from it.
And in this freedom,
there is peace.
Peace without anybody,
the ground of being,
the ground of peace.
Then you can notice,
the me-belief,
the me-story
trying to lead you
into worry and concern
this fictitious character.
But we have seen
this charlatan
so many times.
We don’t engagee,
we don’t follow this me-story,
my past, and
images about myself.
In this recognition,
the narrative is trying to drag you
into time,
into the sense of limitation
and personal problems of the past,
worries about the future.
In this recognition, it is powerless.
You recognize the trickster,
trying to sell you some fake goods
at a high price.
Can the insatiable seeking mind
come to rest,
in this moment,
in the absence of time,
in the absence of the past.
in the absence of time,
in this moment,
there is no personal subject.
Personal subject exists
in the past and the future.
The illusion of time
goes hand in hand
with the me-illusion.
So we don’t ride that pony.
So if you have any questions,
please make sure to unmute yourself,
and you’re welcome to raise your hand.
I think there’s an icon somewhere
down there called reactions, I think.
I used to know where it is,
but I can’t find it anymore.
Anyways, any questions?
Photo by David Clode on Unsplash