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The end of misery and suffering

Magdi Badawy, 10-27-2024

Hello, everyone.
Lovely to see you
and to be together.

The heart of silence,
always available.


In this moment,
which is not a moment in time.

This transparent awareness,
always shining.

Everything which appears to you
is this transparent awareness
manifesting itself
as a perception,
and simultaneously
perceiving its creation.

You do not exist in time.
You are not a narrative in time.

The me-story
appears to you,
revealing that you are
from the image on the screen
as the perceiver,
the invisible,
the non phenomenal,
the numinal aspect,
the unborn,
the unmanifest,
which manifests itself
from itself to itself,
out of its freedom.

There is only one freedom,
and you know it
as your true self.

In knowing yourself
as that freedom,
not as something,
not as somebody,
but as the primary principle.

You are free from suffering.
You are free from the impression
of personhood,
of limitation,
of separation,
the impression
of being in time and being in space.

You have always been that,
that formless aware presence.

This ordinary mind
is free,
completely free,
because the shackles are illusory.

It’s a dream you’re dreaming,
and the belief you are maintaining.

And the belief that you,
meaning consciousness,
are born
and exist in time and space.

Sooner or later,
you see through
this charade.

And you are open
to complete not-knowing
this pristine mind
before birth and death,
before any phenomenal aspect
appears to you,
before any identification.

Because you are that,
before identification.
Identification is your activity,
but it is not necessary.

Even though you may
have been habituated
into a personal identity,
even though you
have been habituated
to angst, the sense of lack,
and this troublesome background
in your life.

You are the freedom.
You are not the subject
to events and circumstances;
the light of awareness.

The freedom from suffering
is not available to a person.

Because there is
no reality to a person.

And whatever the person attains
in your imaginary realm
only serves to aggrandize
this separate-self.

Freedom from suffering
is a freedom
from the me-illusion.

This is simple understanding,
a profound understanding,
that you are the formless reality,
that there is no evidence
that confirms that consciousness
is limited, personal,
and dependent on the world-body-mind.

Check it out!

The world appears to you.
The body appears to you
in various ways,
like in your night dream.

But you are not defined
by that which you perceive,
by that which appears and disappears.

Misery belongs to the person.
One day, miserable,
the next day a little bit better,
the day after a deep depression.

Who is it?
What is it
that is beholding all this misery?
How real is it?

Is it simply a powerful narrative
which has embodied itself
in various feelings,
as various feelings
and sensations.

But these feelings
and sensations are ephemeral,
when we do not hold on to them,
cement them, and define ourself.

It is possible to notice
how ephemeral they are,
and how much power
we give them,
and how strongly
we grasp on to them,
and enter in combat
with our feelings
and emotions,
in order to find peace.

Is it possible to find peace
via resistance and seeking,
via argumentation?
Via regret?

What sort of peace is that?
When we are internally engaged
in argumentation.

Who is the sufferer?
What is its reality?

Can you answer this question
without using the past,
without using memory and history?

But why hold on
to memory and history
of what usage is it?

Can we risk being open
without knowing,
without narrative,
above all,
without self definition.

Freedom from the past.

Of what good is
this comparative mind,
this judgmental mind,
which we keep returning to?

What service are these
anchored positions
that we hold on to
our personal point of view,
our belief structures,
our habitual ways of
repeating the old,
maintaining the patterns.

How happy is that?
You can take a look
in your life,
and you can let go.

By being still,
by not maintaining
the unhappy parents.

It’s possible
to step into the unknown.

Because the known we’ve been living,
the known for quite a while now.
But it hasn’t delivered
the peace that we seek,
the peace that we know,
the peace that we are veiled by
the belief that we’re a separate entity,

Sometimes we think
if we perform a certain sadhana,
we will be free and happy
at some point in time.

But what is this me?
What is this person?
Who is it?
Who who are you
considering yourself to be?
A Sadhanist!?

It is said that
all is well in God’s kingdom.

What other kingdom is there?

The human kingdom?
Your personal kingdom?
Your cocoon kingdom,
your bubble kingdom.

There’s only one reality
and that is freedom itself,

And irrespective
of the narratives of the mind,
you are that
freedom, and

Beyond the mind,
beyond feelings and sensations,
let it all go.

So, if there are any questions,
please make sure to unmute yourself.
You can raise your hand.

Photo by Isabella Angélica on Unsplash

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