Satsang with Magdi ❤️ 10-15-2024

Magdi Badawy, 10-15-2024

Hello everyone.
Lovely to see you,
to be together.

Today there is some work being done
over at the neighbor’s house on the roof.
So this is what you will hear;
the hammering.

So simply rest as as you are.
Resting is a non-movement.

It’s a non-doing.
There’s nothing being done,
nothing you need to do.

allowing the light of awareness
to shine,
which is always shining.

So it’s more of a recognition
rather than an allowing.

It’s an effortless recognition.

In this recognition,
there is no mind activity.

The mind sinks into the Source
and releases all its activities.

So the impression of time
is suspended in Presence.

The habitual mind
is always seeking activity.
Something to do,
somewhere to go,
something to get,
something to recollect
and repeat.

But all this activity
is just a reflection;
a dreamlike reflection.
It has no significance.

Except that we hold on
to thinking,
to mind activity,
because we believe it’s important.

We believe it’s important
because we believe
there is someone
to whom the dream
is significant.

who can be affected,
who can be impacted.

who is subject
to mind activities,
to worldly activities.

who is subject to events
which may happen in the body space.

And so we overlook resting as being,
because within this resting
there is no person
who is doing anything,
who is subject to anything.

There is no personal doer.
And so this resting as being,
resting as awareness,
is overlooked.

And yet it is this restfulness
which we seek
in everything that we do.
This freedom,
this ease of being,
this effortless effortlessness,
freedom from endless desires
and preoccupations.

Being borderless,

The dreamer of all dreams,
but not an object in the dream.

You are the viewer,
the creator,
the perceiver,
as one.

Total freedom.
Freedom to create or not.

That freedom is obscured
by the belief
that you are
a son or a daughter,
the personal body mind entity.

Sat Chit Ananda is your true Self,
your innate right.
The bliss of the Self,
the bliss of Being;
not being somebody,
somebody with
personal preoccupations,
somebody who’s trying hard
and failing and succeeding,
all of that is falsehood.

You’re not an object
in the dream.
Why do we hold on to the past?
Why do we give
so much importance
to the me-narrative,
to some personal narrative?

What for?
What’s the point?
Are we like children
given a piece of paper
and crayons?

And we’ve gotta scribble
all sorts of,
with every crayon,
every color,
and keep scribbling.
Is this what this waking dream is about, scribbling?
The collection of scribbles.

What about the freedom
from scribbling?

We can scribble
without losing our freedom.
And that’s a challenge
to understand that,
to live that.

Not to be limited in any way
by any self definition.

Because all self definitions
are dead stuff,
old, stinky stuff,
which we carry along
in our storage bins.

No fresh air.
There’s no freshness
in any personal narrative.

There is a space
between every note.
It is this space
which makes the note.

Between every perception,
there is a non-perception.

Between every thought,
there is no thought.
Invisible to the senses.

Why remain so focused
on events,
on thoughts and perceptions,
and overlook the Light of awareness,
the no-thought,
the no-event.

And yet,
you know,
you are this
effortless aware presence,
and not a woman or a man,

Look at your experience
in this moment.
Are you not that
which perceives
and is not perceived.

Take a look,
step back into it.
Go behind the scene.

You are that.

That borderless,
invisible reality.

You don’t need to be always
wearing the costume.

The carapace,
the skeleton,
the personal identity.

Own your freedom.
No one can give it to you
or take it away from you.

Notice your freedom,
realize your freedom.

Not your freedom from,
or your freedom of,
or your freedom to,
just your freedom.

Your freedom of being,
of God’s freedom,
universal freedom.

And that is available to you
in the absence of identification.
This is your true Self.

Any questions?

Photo by Pascal Mauerhofer on Unsplash

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