The formless light of awareness

Magdi Badawy, 10-10-2024

Hello everyone.
Lovely to see you,
to be together
recognizing our Self
as oneself.

This formless awareness.
The elephant in the room.
The screen of consciousness.

It welcomes
without any effort.
It welcomes
without welcoming.

Everything which seemingly appears,
because there is nothing
which is separate
from the screen of awareness.

On the surface there may be
activity and movement,
impressions of events
like in your night dream.

While in fact,
there is
nothing truly happening,
because all is one.

This formless awareness
does not know any separation.

We are habituated
to perceive
from a
from a certain
imaginary focal point.

So we release this focal point.
It’s as if we are perceiving
from a space
behind the eyes,
behind the head,
behind the body,
so that your perception
is more global
without a particular
focus point.

As if it is the Universe
which is perceiving,
or one could say
the space of awareness
is perceiving.

So you remain undefined.

There is no effort involved.

You release the focal point,
and in doing so,
you release your
personal identification as
a man,
a woman,
a person,
a member of a tribe.

So that you can merge,
in a way,
into the vastness,
the ocean,
the formless Self,
which is one Self.

There is a deep relaxation of sort.
Identification released.

And there is no need
to replace our old identity
with a new form of identification.

Like the wide open sky,
it may appear from the
human bio computer perspective
to be blue,
but it is colorless,
unaffected by the weather
which appears,
the clouds
which appear and disappear.

You are that spaciousness,
that vastness,
always so.

In spite of
identifying yourself as
a somebody,
somebody limited,
because all bodies are limited,
all forms are limited.

In spite of this surface limitation,
the wide open sky
remains unobstructed.
Like an image appearing on the screen,
it does not contract, diminish the screen.

So you go
behind your identification,
behind the first line of attack,
behind the patterns of defense,
and patterns of fear,
and blame,
and patterns of seeking,
and endless desire.

You’ll go behind that layer.
You discover the peace,
the causeless being,
that which is beyond the mind,
that which is beyond the form,
that which doesn’t come and go,
the light of awareness,
the formless
shining onto itself,
as I am,
shining onto itself as
I know that I am.

This formless awareness is
your true nature.
It is creative.

It creates out of its freedom
and limitless potential.

It creates Leela:
night dreams,
waking dreams
and beyond, limitlessly.

It’s a human,
passing dream.
It has a secret mission.
The secret mission
of waking up
from the sense of separation,
waking up from the belief
that you are a limited entity.

That is the secret mission
of this human waking dream,
to come to the understanding
about that,
which is beyond time and space,
the changeless,
formless aspect
of your experience,
in a formless light of awareness.

And this understanding
is always available to you
because you are that
aware presence,

You are not something
that appears
and disappears.
everything which appears
and disappears,
appears and disappears
within you,
formless consciousness.

When you mistake yourself
to be an image on the screen,
to be a son or a daughter,
you experience the field of limitation,
in the field of insufficiency,
in the contracted realm
of insufficiency,
lack and fear,
fear of death,
seeking something else.

This senseless inner battle
in vain.

You want a different experience,
because you are identified
with the subject of experience,
but you are not
the subject of experience.
You are the
Creator, and

You’re the Source.
You’re not
your limited form.

There is a radiance
within experience,
the radiance of knowledge.

You are that radiance.

So the invitation is
to explore pure being,
relaxing the habitual
being somebody.

It may appear challenging
but you will find
this experience
to be fulfilling,
to be no particular body,
no particular entity,
to relax and release
the past and the future.

Then the light of awareness
will reveal itself as shining effortlessly.

You are that shining light.
So the experiment is yours
to undertake.
Stepping out of
those old muddy boots,
dropping that huge load,
that backpack full of stuff,
belief structures,
personal attachments,
so that you can
tread lightly.
Certain buoyancy in your life,
the simple joys,
appreciation in each moment
for this magic show,
which is about you,
the true you.

It’s about the Self
awakening to itself.
You are that.

You are
that wakefulness,
that freedom,
that innate Wisdom,
impersonal, free.

So if you have any questions,
anything that you would like to explore,
please make sure you unmute yourself,
and you can raise your hand.

Photo by 2Photo Pots on Unsplash

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