Full Stop.

Magdi Badawy, 10-03-2024

Hello everyone.
Lovely to see you and,
to share that which we are.

To share and to explore
our true Self,
this seamless,
ordinary awareness.

Which is One.
One reality.

Appearing as so many forms.
Names and forms,
nama, rupa.

So invite yourself
to resting
without any agenda.

You don’t need to
engage the mind
right now.

Simply invite yourself to rest.
Invite the Mind to be,
to be not-knowing,
to rest in not-knowing,
to trust not-knowing.
Effortless being.

Always on board.
Always there.
The peace.

The undisturbable
quality of being,
before thought arises,
before any perception arises,
there is this profound silence,
this deep stillness,

It is love itself.
There’s no effort involved.

The understanding,
that there is nothing
at stake for anyone.

The understanding
that you are this formless,
non-phenomenal self.

Simply notice
your experience
without knowing it.
Without engaging the past.
there is no past,
in fact.

This presence
has no borders.
It is what you are,
this aware presence.

Not something
or somebody,
which exists
in time and Space.

You may conceptualize
yourself to be a person,
body-mind of sort,
but experientially,
there are no thoughts
that can describe being.

there is no time.

No more separate entities.
No objects.

It’s all consciousness,
in fact.

How lovely to be free
from images of oneself,
images of others.

This complete dropping
of beliefs,
so that each moment
is pristine.

Free from history,
belief structures,
tribal affiliations,
gender affiliations.

Everything appears to you
in full clarity.
Even the morning mist,
which veils
the mountains
and the lake,
appears to you in full clarity.

You are not veiled
by that which you perceive,
when you are not
imagining yourself
to be the separate form.

There is peace,
love and beauty,
our true home,
our Essence,
that from which we come,
and to which we return,
although in reality,
there is no coming
and returning.

Can we recognize
this effortless presence,
this moment?

Not as something
which is appearing to us,
but as our Essence,
our reality.

So that all self imaginations,
meaning imaginations
about our true nature,
come to a full stop.

Although the Moon
reflects the sunlight,
it is not the Moon
which is the Source of Light.

The body-mind is
like the Moon,
and Consciousness,
is the Sun.

It is because of
the rays of the sun
which shine
onto the surface
of the pond
that we perceive
the glitter
of the wavelets.

everything that you perceive,
every sensation,
you perceive
because of
the light of awareness,
light of consciousness,
shining beyond time and space.

Freely, effortlessly, know one reality,
that which we truly are.

Your understanding
about your true Self,
the understanding
about that which is
and cannot not be.
The understanding
about your reality
as this formless
invisible awareness,
this moment,
and every moment.

Releases you from
imagining yourself \
to be existing in time and space,
as a form,
as an object,
as a stream of thoughts
and a stream of sensations
and memories.

where is this stream of
memories and thoughts
right now?
Where is it in this moment?

Recognize your true home,
in spite of what
mind-narratives may appear to you.

They’re just fleeting
images on the screen.

The vastness of Being,
glorious Presence,
the Peace…

That is the full stop!

It’s absolute certainty.
So in the meantime,
whichever way it works for you,
surrender everything to that.

Holding on to nothing,
you are everything.

So if you have any questions,
anything that you would like to explore…

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