Ordinary awareness

Magdi Badawy, 09-24-2024

So welcome.

Notice this stillness.
It is there, available for you.

always there.

Everything you perceive,
you perceive
bathed in the stillness,
bathed in silence,
bathed in peace.

We have the habit of following form,
whatever appears to us,
we have a habit of chasing stuff,
which is not always necessary.

There is a magical order in life.
Things unfold.
They present themselves to us.

Out of,
of the Totality.

Our job is not to worry
and be concerned,
but to discover
a way of being
with what appears to us,
a way that is peaceful,
that is,
helpful for everybody.

Meeting the situation
as a pure awareness
dragging the past worries
and concerns about.
What’s going to happen to me?

So, we can let go of this,
the spinning wheel of self concern.

Because it’s,
useless for you.
It makes you ill.

Confuses your mind
and your body.

So you can relax in being.
Awareness resting in itself,
as itself,
for no reason.

Its very nature is restfulness.
And you only,
chase stuff and avoid stuff,
because you believe there is a danger,
danger to you,
because you assume yourself
to be somebody.

But what if you don’t assume yourself
to be somebody,
this moment,
right now?

Simply be not knowing
without history,
fresh, new,
every moment,
every instant.

It is possible to meet
every moment freshly.
This ordinary awareness,
it’s inherently free.

There is nothing that you need to do.
The current of love carries you,
nourishes you,
feeds you.

Simply to be available,
which is not a doing.

It’s more of,
letting go.
which is what our true nature is,

So today I wanted to talk about
ordinary awareness,
but it’s so silly,
because we all know
firsthand awareness,
because we are this awareness.

What am I to tell you
that you don’t already know?
Maybe just to remind us
that this awareness is formless.

It’s not a female or male awareness.

It is awareness that perceives.
Everything it perceives,
whether it’s a thought,
or a memory
or a bodily sensation,
it perceives it in complete intimacy.

Meaning, zero distance,
The perceived and the perceiver,
as one.

Like in your night dreams,
everything you perceive
is made out of you,
you, the dreamer.

The waking state
is the same awareness.
Everything you perceive,
is made out of you.
There is no separation,
no distance.

Separation is a belief,
an unhappy modality.

You are the love
that you seek.
It’s all already done.
It’s done.
It’s a done deal.

You are the freedom,
the love.
You don’t need to imagine
yourself to be somebody.
Because when you imagine
yourself to be somebody,
you separate yourself
from the totality.

You introduce division,
you-opposition within yourself.
For no-one’s benefit.

So dive into the ocean,
swim the ocean.
In the ocean of love,
in the ocean of compassion,
of beauty, of peace.
All is well.

There is no loss or gain in reality.
Coming and going
is just a mind impression.
Just an impression.

Birth and death.
Nothing happens to you.

You are the light of awareness.
Right now and every moment.

The heart,
the core,
the source.

This understanding
is available to you always.
It is yours.

So you can turn
your attention inwardly
into the source,
the source which you are.

So you can know yourself,
as the light of awareness.
Not an object in time and space.

This formless,
invisible awareness.

The mind may say,
who cares about that?

Let the mind,
just babbles stuff
thoughts that have no significance,
the glitter of the firefly
on a summer night.

What is it that perceives?
What is it that is right now?

This I, the self,
which is formless.

Check it out.
Can you burn the fire?
Can you,
can you tear the sky?

So allow yourself
to sink deeper
and deeper
in being,

You don’t need to know
what that is.

To not hold on to anything.
Allow yourself to not hold on.
Check it out.

To be like the wind.

What moves the Wind?

To completely not-know.
And the space is open,
available for God’s visit.

You make yourself available.

Be completely vulnerable.

Waiting without waiting.

Everything that I speak
you already know.

How can you not know yourself,
being that you are yourself?

Just remember that,
the Self is not a thing.

In reality,
there are no things.

Only reality is.
Only being is.

This ordinary awareness
is imbued in Being;
they’re not too.

Sat Chit.

So if you have any questions,
anything that you want to explore,
just raise your hand;
make sure you unmute yourself.

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