Causeless Peace and Joy

Magdi Badawy, 09-19-2024

Welcome everyone.
Lovely to see you,
to be,
to be together as one,
sharing the same beingness,
the same awareness,
the same reality.

It’s an effortless sharing
because we are that.

There is no one doing anything,
no personal self doing anything.
Our true nature,
our true self,
our essence,
our reality
is this formless awareness.

Perfect as it is.

Free meaning, causeless,
not dependent on world-body-mind,
not subject to events.

This understanding is available.

It’s available in this moment,
which is not the process of thinking.
It’s a sort of complete relaxation
and resting
in the unknown,
in presence,
in the source,
in not knowing.

The mind becoming quiet,
out of the way
so that the light of awareness
reveals itself.

Not to be some sort of personal experience,
but our very essence.

One could say it’s a journey
of return, a return to the Source.
But we never really left our true home.

How could we
how could we leave
that which we are,
that which is?

The me-impression is just that,
a mind impression,
a body mind-impression.
Which has no power of its own,
requires overlooking truth,
overlooking the peace of being.

But, we are called back
to the understanding.

Understanding about
the causeless peace.

Whichever way we go
in our thinking,
our belief structures,
in our personal identification.

You will find God knocking on your door,
telling you, hey,
come to me,
come to the love,
come to the peace,
come to the source,
come to yourself.

Trust and let go.

Letting go of all that which we cherish.
Our opinions,
our views,
our mind,
our habitual thinking,
believing thought,
thinking about the past,
the future.
What is gonna happen to me?

What is this me?

This life is,
sort of passageway
towards the light.
Some sort of purgatory
because our home awaits us.

When the revelation
of our true home
is always in this moment.

When you allow yourself
to be completely not-knowing,
completely transparent.

Not adopting any position,
not holding on
to belief structures
and old dead stuff.

So in this moment,
notice that which notices.

It’s not a thing.
It’s not somebody.
It’s awareness turning itself,
turning its attention to itself,
from itself to itself.

The heart of silence,
which is alive.

Allow every sensation
that arises to you to be free.

Notice the effortlessness
of awareness.

Thoughts appear, disappear.
Sensations constantly shifting.

There is that which is
in your experience
right now.

it is not something you perceive,
it is that which you are.

Never repeating itself.
It’s only the mind which repeats itself.

Can you be
without seeking,
without moving away
from being,
from presence,
from awareness.

The heart of being.

The mind resting in the source.
Dissolved in it.

And this freedom.
Freedom just from
the habitual me thinking,
the me belief.

In freedom of being.
To relax this habitual being somebody.
This old stuff which we keep repeating.
To relax our identification.
with form,
with the past,
habitual tendency
which limits us,
constrains us,
it keeps repeating itself.

It was a false sense of security
to be somebody.
To constantly maintaining it.

So we let it all go.
We explore.
Complete not-knowing.

Allowing being to reveal
its reality,
its universality,
its formlessness.
It’s nouminal aspect.

Relax this impression
of being in time,
existing in time.

To invite ourself to presence,
the eternity of now,
the eternity of being.

To relax
our worries and concerns,
our useless self image,
our narratives,
me-narratives that serve
no good purpose.

We relax our tendency
to hold on to stuff,
this illusory impression
that there is something
to hold on to
and someone to do
the holding.

You are the ocean,
the vastness of being.
Infinite creativity
and complete freedom.

What a beautiful journey
to come to this understanding.

So if you have any questions,
any thing you would like to explore,
please make sure to unmute yourself
or raise your hand.

Photo by Masaaki Komori on Unsplash

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