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Edgeless Beingness is your true nature

Magdi Badawy, 09-04-2024

Welcome, everyone.
Lovely to be with you.

So let us turn our attention inward
in a relaxed way,
not looking for anything.

A sort of inner relaxation,
a non-doing.
Simply being, which already is.

Because being is not
something we do
or something that we become.

There is no effort in being.
It is this effortless,
meaning formless,
which is invisible to the senses.

And yet,
it is our home,
our true home,
that which is
that which we are.

So the mind can come to rest
in this beingness.

There are no problems,
no issues.

Whatever appears on the screen,
whatever thoughts may appear,
We can let them be.

It is unnecessary to engage
in thinking
right now,
because the source is pure.

It’s fresh.
It is free from the impression of time,
the past and the future.

Because being is complete freedom.
And it’s always there,
always available to itself,
available to you.
Because you are that,
you are this formless reality.

Which is not subject to conditions.
Not subject to events,
in the body,
in the world;
the ground of being undisturbable.

Get familiar with it.
welcome yourself as that.
The undisturbable aspect,
the awareness aspect,
the freedom aspect.

Not a personal entity
subject to conditions.

We can let go of that construct.
It’s not necessary.
This personal structure
which we have entertained throughout our life
via thinking and via resisting and arguing,
and seeking, and defending.
It does not apply to your true nature.

In the scriptures it is said that you are that
which you are seeking.
You are the reality,
that you are contemplating.

So there is no need
to continue
to imagine yourself
in whatever way you do.

Certain events may appear to you.
How do we meet the images on the screen?

Do we argue and battle?
Or do we embrace?

There is love in embracing.
There is an openness,
a fluidity,
a sort of not-knowing;
meeting moment by moment,
as oneself,
not as something which is happening to me.

There’s a great wisdom
in being openly present.

Body, mind, and heart,
effortless engagement,
to be like children.

Sometimes there is laughter,
and sometimes there is ouch,
or crying.
But the childlike aspect is always there.

Our true home has
no doors,
no walls,
no borders,
no edges.

It is this effortless awareness
that is beyond world, body, mind.
This effortless awareness,
which is not defined
by events in the world, body or mind.

You are the ocean.

The surface,
there are waves and wind,
but the Ocean is undisturbed.
It remains what it is.

So you can free your mind
from the sense of limitation,
from the personal worries and concerns,
and be open to the infinite.

like a young child running,
open armed, towards its mother,
running with joy.

Mother’s arms are always open
to embrace its child.
What a beautiful embrace,
such joy.

And there is no thinking
there is just jumping in.

No thought.
In meeting your experience freshly,
moment by moment,
there is no thought,
there is no time,
there is no history.

There is
this openness,
this wholeness,
this availability.

Like diving in the ocean.
You are the ocean,
diving into itself;
no distance,
no separation,
no time.

OK, so if you have any questions,
anything that you would like to explore,
make sure to unmute yourself.

Photo by Jesse Bowser on Unsplash

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